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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: I'm falling for you. NO, I'm literally falling for you.)

    The cart directly in front of ours was where she sat. She was grumbling impatiently again. It made me wonder if she ever wasn’t in a hurry. She pushed on the lap bar, knowing all along she wasn’t going to be able to get it off, but this bit of information didn’t stop her from trying.

    “We’re sorry for the inconvenience,” a voice crackled from the speaker near the top of the ride. “We will have people up in a few minutes if you wait patiently.”

    “Fuck that,” the blue eyed beauty yelled attempting once again to break free from the restraints. “I wasted an hour. I’m going to the top.”

    Deciding I had nothing better to do, I continued to watch her in fascination. Blond hair fell in her face during her rampage. Her small frame seemed to quake with so much rage for her size. But there was something about her I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Part of me wished she would turn around in hopes I could figure it out from those ocean deep eyes, but then she’d probably notice I was starring at her. It’s not that I was afraid of her, I’ve been in a few fights at school, but if she got physical, well, it’s a long way down…

    Twenty minutes later and true to their word, workers from the Valley Fair Amusement Park were climbing up using the wooden steps on the side of the track to our rescue.

    “Finally,” I could hear the blond huff.

    “Thank you for remaining patient,” one of them began out of breath from the climb up. “Ok, so what we’re going to do is undue your bars, and you’re going to have an employee walking in front and behind you all the way down. So we’ll start in the back.”

    One by one they let us out until they reached our cart. By this time Aiden was a nervous wreck.

    “Aiden just think of this as an experience you can check off your list,” I tried to assure him, but apparently it did nothing for him. He still looked scared to death. For I a moment I thought I might even have to hold the boys hand.

    When they undid the bar, I used the guys hand who was helping us to steady myself as I bridged the gap between the train and the stairs. Figuring this was the last time I’d ever see this girl, I glanced over my shoulder, but when I looked back, I could somehow feel exactly what she was planning to do as soon as they released the bar. Hesitating, I watched it as if it were slow motion. “I’m going to the top,” I could hear her words echo in my head.

    The bar was released, and she hopped out acting like she was going to go down peacefully, but as soon as she was out… She made a break for it.

    “Stop,” the worker called after her. But it was too late. She was at the top, looking very proud of herself. Everyone around me had stopped what they were doing to watch what she was going to do next. Much to my surprise, she began her decent back down towards us. Only one worker stood between her and I.

    She was only a step away from the group now, but then it happened. She misstepped.

    Her expression changed from cocky to freaked in seconds flat. Upper body flew forward as her feet followed not far behind. Out stretching my arms and closing my eyes, I felt her make contact…

    When I opened my eyes, I realized I hadn’t fallen. But what shocked me the most was that the blond was now safely in my arms.

    “Thanks,” the blonde stammered recovering from the fright she had just experienced.

    “No problems,” I replied.

    “By the way, the names Spencer.”

    That was the first time I ever met Spencer. She never let anyone’s rules stand in her way. She was determined. I just hoped that would be enough to get her through what was about to come.

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