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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Introductions are always slightly awkward on an empty stoamch)

    “You wanna come in?” she smirked with those beautiful blue eyes. Taking the cue, I followed her inside the house. “Ashley,” Spencer stated bringing me back to attention. “This is my brother Glen,” she pointed to the blond haired jock lying on the couch. “And the one over there deep into his game boy is Clay.”

    “Nice to meet you,” I greeted them timidly.

    “Hey,” Clay responded, his attention never leaving the screen.

    “Spencer,” Glen sat up and looked at me. “You didn’t tell me that your friend was so hot.”

    “Don’t even try it Glen,” Spencer rolled her eyes before grabbing my hand and pulling me into their kitchen.

    “Mom this is Ashley. Ashley meet mom,” Spencer pointed to the woman sitting at the counter buried in paper work. I could tell Spencer was already bored of this meet and greet game. At least they don’t have a big family.

    “Hi Ashley,” the woman greeted me with a semi fake smile, but I didn‘t mind, cause I was returning it with the same one. “I’m Paula.”

    “Nice to meet you,” I replied turning my attention back to Spencer to wrap up this grand introduction

    “And who is always behind the oven is my dad,” Spencer’s whole face seemed to light up as she went over to give him a big hug. I couldn’t help but smile at how close they are. Looking over, I could see Paula eyeing up the relationship before directing her attention back to her papers.

    “Hi Ashley,” he gave me a warm smile. “I’m Arthur, Spencer’s dad.”

    “Nice to meet you,” I repeated once again standing there looking dumb.

    “Ah,” I heard Spencer groan as she set her hand down on the counter to quickly pick it back up again and inspect it.

    “Still haven’t gotten that sliver out Spence?” I asked.


    “I’m telling you, you should just let me help you,” I insisted yet again.

    “If you get her to let you help, I’ll be impressed,” Glen stated walking into the room and straight to the fridge.

    “Shut up Glen,” Spencer replied angrily.

    “Spencer’s a little stubborn,” Arthur winked at me good heartedly. I could already tell that he loved his daughter very much.

    “Come on,” Spencer grabbed my arm pulling me up the stairs to what must be her room.

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    1. An hour away from where? I can’t take this waiting to find out, I’m very impatient. It’s good to see Spencer laughing for a change. Excellent update. PMASAP!!!

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