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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Introductions are always slightly awkward on an empty stoamch)

    “Wow Spence,” I stated somewhat shocked by her room. “Your room seems a lot different than, than…”

    “Everyone else,” Spencer finished my sentence.

    “Yeah,” my voice faded as I looked around the room. Band posters lined the bright red colored walls. Racks of cds crowded around her stereo.

    For some reason, the fact that Spencer knew she was different than her family seemed to kind of scare her. I could see it in her eyes. I wondered if she was afraid that she would lose her families love, just like any other kid is. It made me wonder what else she was hiding.

    “Fuck,” Spencer groaned once again as she pulled back her hand from the latest object she had set it on.

    “Spencer,” I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Come here,” I patted the bed that I was sitting on.

    “I got it,” she insisted on being difficult.

    “Come here. I‘m not going to hurt you,” I assured her.

    “Spencer, trust me. Just trust me,” I repeated making sure to make eye contact so she could see how serious I was being.

    Letting out a deep breath, I watched her slowly walk over to me with a little bit of uncertainty in her eyes.

    “I still don’t think you’re going to get it,” she rambled before handing me her hand. Taking her hand in mine, I used the same trick that I’ve had to use on Aiden a million times. In a matter of seconds, the sliver was out and resting in my hand.

    “There,” I smiled at her. “It’s out.”

    It was what would appear as an insignificant moment, but I could tell that for Spencer, it was a big deal. She was a tough girl. I just hoped that she would learn to trust me, and let me in.


    The smile that played on my lips was enough to grasp Spencer’s attention, and pull the lost girl back into this world.

    The smile that played on my lips was enough to grasp Spencer’s attention, and pull the lost girl back into this world.

    “Think of something funny?” she smiled for the first time in awhile.

    “Anytime I think of you I smile,” I replied kissing the back of her hand that I had yet to let go of to see her cheeks turn a shade of deep red.

    “Not fair,” her blue eyes lit up. “You know I fall for all your cheesy lines Ash.”

    “I can’t help it when it’s true,” I stated making sure to wear the biggest smile ever.

    “Ok, now you’re trying too hard,” Spencer laughed.

    “Ah well,” I smiled. “At least it got you to laugh.”

    “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she smiled curling up in her seat. “How close are we now?” she asked.

    “About another hour away…”

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    1. An hour away from where? I can’t take this waiting to find out, I’m very impatient. It’s good to see Spencer laughing for a change. Excellent update. PMASAP!!!

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