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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: It's Alright, He's One Of The Girls)

    “Yup, she’s gorgeous Ash. Her names Jamie. I met her at the movie theater.”

    “That’s awesome Aid. I’m happy for you,” I stated in all honesty. He was a great guy that deserved to be happy.

    “So how about you? How’s Spencer?” he asked being the giant teddy bear I knew.

    “She’s good,” I smiled thinking about her.

    “So are you two just friends, or something more,” he smiled jabbing me in the side.

    “We’re just friends,” I sighed.

    “She straight then?”

    “Nope, she’s actually gay.”

    “Ash, that’s perfect. When are you going to make the big move?” he asked getting over excited for me.

    “I don’t think I am Aiden,” I stated. “I just don’t want to ruin our friendship by trying something on her. Plus, her parents are the religious kind, and I don’t want to be the one to mess things up between her and them.”

    “Come on Ash,” Aiden sighed. “You and I both know that’s not the reason you don’t try.”

    “Then what’s the reason,” I asked kicking a rock down the cement to watch it fall into the storm drain.

    “For some reason you’ve always been afraid of falling for people. The only people you ever ask out are the ones you don’t even like.”

    “How would you know?” I asked getting defensive.

    “Ok, you and I both know that you did not like Alex when you asked her out, but the moment you realized how likable she really could be, you dumped her. Face it, you’re afraid of love,” the boy stated knowingly.

    “Am not,” I defended myself.

    “Then ask Spencer out.”

    “I don’t know Aid,” I mumbled.

    “Ok, but don’t come crying to me when she’s out with somebody else because you didn’t say anything.” Sighing, I knew he was right.

    God, I couldn’t even stop thinking of her. She was everywhere I looked, always in my thoughts. I didn’t understand it, and it scared me. I knew Aiden was right, but I didn’t know how to admit it, so I just kept it to myself.

    When I caught up to Spencer she was mindlessly walking down the street.

    When I caught up to Spencer she was mindlessly walking down the street.

    “Spencer,” I called out to the lost girl.

    “I just need to be alone Ash,” she replied refusing to look at me, but I knew better.

    “Spencer,” I called out again, walking faster to catch up with her. Grabbing her arm and spinning her around, tears were streaming down her face. I tried to use my thumb to wipe them away, but she just pulled away.

    “Don’t,” was all she said turning around so I couldn’t see her vulnerable again.

    “Spencer you’re going to have to let me help you babe.”

    “I don’t need help,” she replied with that stubborn attitude she never lost through everything.

    “Yes you do, you’re just too god damn stubborn to admit it,” I spun her around again. “I don’t want to play this stupid game with you Spencer, ok? I just want to help you,” I tried to wipe her tears away again, but she just pulled away again.

    “Maybe we shouldn’t have come,” Spencer changed the topic.

    “Spencer you of all people have every right to be here,” I assured her.

    “I don’t know. I just got to think Ash,” she sighed before she turned around and walked away.

    “Spencer,” I called after her.

    “I’ll be back later,” she stated before she faded away into the foggy Minnesota weather, leaving me behind to figure out where to go from here.

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