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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Midnight Skies Are Perfect For Hiding Secrets)

    “Don’t be,” I replied moving my gaze from the night sky, to her amazing cobalt eyes. I couldn’t help but get lost inside of them. It was mesmerizing.

    “So, so, what was your like before I entered the picture?” Spencer stuttered out much to my surprise.

    “Boring,” I replied with an award winning grin. “Na, it was basically me hanging out with Aiden all the time.”

    “Is Aiden mad I’m taking you away from him?”
    “It gives him more time to hang out with his ass slapping jock buddies I joked. “How about you? Any wild life style I’m stealing you away from?”
    “Unfortunately no. I had a few friends, but I lost most of my so called friends when they found out that I was…” she trailed off.

    “Found out what?” I asked curious.

    “When they found out that I was gay.”

    “Ah well, straight chicks don’t make good wing mans anyways,” I joked trying to lighten the situation.

    “I suppose,” she sighed. “You and Aiden ever a couple?” she randomly blurted out.

    “No,” I had to fight back the urge to puke. Part of me really wanted to tell this girl that I was just as gay as her, if not more, but the other part of me was kind of scared. I mean, this girl was beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. She’d be too easy to fall for, and get my hopes up. I just didn’t feel like getting my heart broken when I could avoid it.

    “So does that freak you out?” she asked.

    “Na, I don’t have enough friends to be freaked out,” I joked.

    “Very funny.”

    “Why thank you,” I smiled like the smart ass I am.

    “Brr,” I shivered suddenly realizing how cold it was.

    “No, I just like to shiver for no apparent reason.”

    “Wow, I knew you were sarcastic, but you’re really into tonight,” Spencer joked.

    “I blame hanging out with Aiden all the time.”

    “Boys will do that to a person. Do you want a blanket though?” she asked grabbing her bag.

    “Sure,” I smiled taking the blanket. “Wanna share,” I asked her noticing her shiver.

    “I don’t know,” she replied being her god damn stubborn self.

    “Spencer, come here,” I demanded opening the blanket to allow her in.


    “Spence, I don’t give a fuck that you’re gay. Now come here so I can steal your body heat.”

    “Fine,” she gave in and came and snuggled into me, allowing me to wrapped the blanket and my arms around her. “God, this place is beautiful Spence,” I smiled resting my chin on her shoulder.

    “Yeah, but after graduation I’m outta here,” she replied sounding far away.

    “Me too,” I sighed. “I don’t know where I’m going, but anywhere that’s far away from here. I’m just going to get up one morning and go. How about you?”

    “California,” she stated as if she had known this for years. “I don’t know, it just feels right.”

    “Sounds nice and warm,” I smiled into her back.

    “You can come with me. We’ll get out together.”

    “Just one more year of school left,” I sighed. “But I’m game. I’ll follow you anywhere.”

    “Then it’s a deal,” Spencer smiled. “We’ll go together…”

    The rest of the night was perfect. I watched the night slowly fade away, dawn break on the horizon, all the while with the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever known in my arms.

    That night was perfect. It was the night I started truly falling for Spencer. It was too hard not to.

    I just hoped that we could figure this mess out, and get back to that blissful life.

    With her hand in mine, we made our way up the door and knocked…

    With her hand in mine, we made our way up the door and knocked…

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    1. How did ashley mess up with spencer? And why did they go back to Minnesota? Did someone die? So many questions you have to answer. Please PMS!!!!!!!!!!!

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