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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Nobody Move, Nobody Gets Hurt)

    “I don’t know Spencer,” Paula shook her head.

    “This is stupid,” Spencer flared walking away from her mom and walking over to me with sad eyes. She seemed to apologize for what she said without words. She knew I’d understand, and I did.

    “Come on,” Spencer grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the couch. “Lets get out of here.” She held my hand the entire way out just to piss her mom off.

    When we got outside we got in my car and drove off. We drove around for awhile in silence. But I didn’t care. I just needed to escape the tension, escape the walls that seemed to close in around me.

    “Ash,” Spencer spoke up. “Is it alright if I crash at your house tonight?”

    “Of course.”


    I took Spencer back to my house after about an hour of mindless driving and wasting a half a tank.

    “I’m sorry about my mom,” Spencer apologized.

    “Forget it,” I replied not really wanting to think about it. She was still here with me, and that’s all that mattered to me. “Lets just put it behind us and have some fun,” I smiled.

    “Really?” she asked sounding surprised. I just nodded in response. “Ok, good cause I really wanted to show you that you’re not nothing,” she raised her eyebrows. “What do you think of that?”

    “I think I should go make sure Marie isn’t home,” I ran down the stairs to check quickly as I heard Spencer laughing upstairs. I was making record time checking the house, because I couldn’t help but wonder how far we’d go.

    Running into the kitchen, I saw someone standing at the fridge.

    “Mar…” I started but stopped when I realized who it was. “Mom?”

    “Don’t act so surprised Ashley,” she replied leaving me to wonder where my so called father was.

    “I thought you were supposed to be in Europe right now,” the excitement had been drained out of me, along with all of the color in my face.

    “We decided to postpone the trip for a few days,” she seemed to smile at my disappointment. “Well, don’t look like I just ruined your night.” If only she knew.

    “Ashley what’s taking so long…” Spencer died out at the end as she came into the kitchen.

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    1. Yeah drinking away your problems doesn’t really work. They only get worse the morning after. Hopefully Spencer will stop avoiding soon. Awesome update. PMASAP!!!

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