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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Nobody Move, Nobody Gets Hurt)

    “Mom,” I called again, but this time she didn’t answer. “Marie I’m so sorry,” I started to have her stop me.

    “It’s ok,” she assured me. “We both knew this was coming. You’ll see me around. Be good kiddo,” she forced a smile before heading towards the door. When the door shut, I knew I felt another void grow in my heart. Another person I cared about was gone. It made me wonder if the same thing would happen with Spencer…

    “Ash,” Spencer whispered unsure of what to say.

    “Where do we go now?” I asked realizing we were out of places to be together. Shops were closing, and curfew was being set into place.

    “I can go home,” Spencer shrugged.

    “I don’t want you go,” I pleaded on the verge of tears. I just lost someone. I didn’t want Spencer to leave too.

    “Then we’ll think of something,” Spencer tried to assure me, running her hands up and down my arms. God, I wanted to believe that everything was going to be ok, but sometimes it’s too hard. There was no ending to this black hole that sucked up everybody.

    “Well,” I stated grabbing my car keys off the table. “I guess we could crash at Aiden’s…”

    When Glen came back with the alcohol I was in much need of a drink… or three.

    When Glen came back with the alcohol I was in much need of a drink… or three.

    “Ok Spencer, who’s your favorite brother now?” Glen smiled cockily. Spencer looked from Glen to Clay, and just walked towards the brown bag with the goods.

    “Ok, I’m taking you’re silence as a Glen.”

    “Oh yeah,” I laughed. “That sounds accurate.” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

    “So what time does mom get off her shift?” Glen asked Clay.


    “Ok, then I have two hours to get drunk before the fighting start again,” was all he said before he grabbed the bottle of Captain and his twelve pack of coke. “Later.” and he was gone. He walked upstairs, most likely calling his girlfriend.

    “That’s not a bad idea,” Spencer agreed grabbing the Vodka and walking outside.

    “Am I the only one in this family that isn’t an alcoholic?” Clay asked confused by the whole situation.

    “Yup,” I laughed grabbing God knows what and following Spencer. If tomorrows going to suck, then tonight might as well be fun…

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    1. Yeah drinking away your problems doesn’t really work. They only get worse the morning after. Hopefully Spencer will stop avoiding soon. Awesome update. PMASAP!!!

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