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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: There's Going To Be French Toast? I'm In!)

    “Hey babe,” I answered the phone with a giant grin on my face, but I couldn’t help it. Every time I thought of her I felt like I was floating.

    “Hey, Ash is it bad that I already miss you?” she asked making me melt. Why? I don’t even know.

    “Na, cause I miss you too.”

    “What time are you coming over tonight?”

    “I have to finish getting ready, give Aiden a ride quick cause his car broke down, and then I’ll be there,” I smiled over the phone. I was so impatient to be greeted by the girl on the other end. I couldn’t stand it.

    “Aiden’s always cutting into our alone time,” Spencer joked.

    “Well, the boy keeps complaining about me never being around, so I figure if I give him a ride he’ll be satisfied.”

    “Ok, well I’ll be waiting,” I could hear Spencer’s voice turn to a whisper as she seductively began whispering about tonight.

    By the time she was finished, all I could manage to stutter out was “Um, oh God Spencer if I get pulled over I’m so blaming you.”

    “I love you too Ash,” Spencer laughed obviously happy with herself.

    “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ll be there soon,” I replied before hanging up. Sighing, I did the best I could to go fast, and then I was off to go get Aiden…

    Downstairs Clay had just finished the bacon, and he was setting the table.

    Downstairs Clay had just finished the bacon, and he was setting the table.

    “Morning,” I greeted Clay.

    “Hey, I’m surprised I’m seeing you up before noon,” he joked looking at his watch to the clock in the kitchen to make sure he had the right time.

    “Ha, ha, ha, aren’t we a smart ass this morning,” I joked. Clay had always been really helpful, especially when things got bad between Spencer and her family or Spencer and me.

    “I do what I can,” he smiled back.

    “So where is everyone this morning?” I asked just realizing that we were the only ones around.

    “Glen is outside on the phone with his girlfriend. Mom had to finish a few things up at the hospital, and then finish making a few decisions about tomorrow. Spencer is, well I at least think Spencer is outside on the swing.”

    “Wow, so do you make them wear GPS systems or something?” I joked grabbing a plate and heading towards the bacon.

    “Wow, so do you make them wear GPS systems or something?” I joked grabbing a plate and heading towards the bacon.

    “Aye,” Clay smacked my hand away. “Wait for Spencer and Glen.”

    “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I groaned. “That’ll only take forever.” 

    "Patience," Clay stated, both of us knowing that he meant more than breakfast.

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