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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Who's Afraid Now?)

    “You like that Ash?” she smirked devilishly slipping a leg in between mine and pressing into my center just enough to send a wave of pleasure crashing over my body.

    “Oh God,” I cried, my head rolling back.

    “Oh, we’re just getting started babe,” Spencer smiled stealing a quick kiss.

    Sure enough, her hands were soon back on my shirt. I could feel her run her hands painfully slow down my sides until she reached the hem of my shirt, and in moments had it discarded on the floor. I could feel myself bite my lip to suppress the moans that were begging to come out.

    “Still think I’m afraid?” she taunted me as she placed butterfly kisses all over my stomach.

    “How do you know I just didn’t say that because I knew then I’d get some?” I laughed.

    “Who said I was going to go all the way?” Spencer replied playfully crawling up my body to meet my lips once again. Using my tongue to part her lips, I made my way into her mouth, exploring every inch.

    The body above mine grew hot. Using my hands, I pulled her in closer to my body. And of course, feeling not in control and being taken care of, Spencer pulled away before planting a few more kisses on my lips.

    “You still got too many cloths on babe,” Spencer raised her eyebrow already undressing me with her eyes.

    “Yeah, well what would you like me to do about that?” I asked cheekily.

    “Oh, don’t worry. You don’t have to do anything,” Spencer assured me. “I’ll take care of it. She made sure to wave her eyebrows suggestively before her hands went straight for the top of my jeans.

    “You don’t need these,” she smiled pulling down the zipper before attempting to pull them off. Getting impatient, I wiggled out of them the rest of the way.

    “God you’re so hot right now,” Spencer smiled running her hands up my inner thighs playfully.

    “Spencer,” was all I could really say as my body trembled helplessly under her touch. I could feel her hands pass over my much needed area, each time a little closer than the last.

    “Ash,” Spencer stopped and looked at me completely serious. “I love you so much. You know that right?”

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