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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Who's Afraid Now?)

    “Of course I do Spence,” I stated somewhat confused by the change in Spencer’s tone. “You’re my everything Spencer. I love you, and I always will.” It was true. I always will.

    “I know this is your first time. Aiden told me…” she died out. “I want your first time to be special. So, we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

    I honestly didn’t really know what to say, expect stupid Aiden.

    “Spencer,” I got the girls attention. “As long as it’s with you, it will be perfect,” yeah so I‘m cheesy, but it’s part of my charm. “Come here,” I sat up. “I don‘t like this whole fact that you‘re fully dressed,” I got back to our original event. Spencer just smiled at me with those big blue eyes I adored, and gave me the go ahead to help her strip.

    Slowly, I lifted her shirt over her head as I took in the smooth skin, the perfect toned abs, and her breasts still covered in cloth. This girl really was simply amazing. Reaching around, I unhooked her bra, and let the item fall onto the floor.

    “God you’re beautiful,” I couldn’t help but stutter out as I took her all in. Everything about her simply amazed me. Slowly running my hands along her sides, I felt the smooth skin there as I worked my way along her abs and up to her chest. Cupping her perfect breasts in my hands, I watched her head roll back in reply to my touch. I listened to the sounds she made as I ran my hands around her hardened nipples that begged to be touched, and as soon as a went for it, Spencer had me on my back.

    “Not so fast baby. Tonight you’re the one that gets to be doing the cuming,” she smiled before unhooking my bra and throwing it to the floor, before she trailed her finger down from my neck all the way down to just above my thong, the last article of clothing I had.

    “Spencer,” it was all I could say anymore, because forming any sentences was becoming impossible. “Spence.”

    “What do you need baby?” Spencer smiled very slowly pulling off my last article of clothing.

    “You,” I moaned as she placed kisses on the inside of my thighs. I saw her smile one last time at me before I watched her head disappear between my legs.

    I’m so addicted to the things you do

    When you’re going down on me in-between the sheets

    All the sounds you make

    With every breath you take

    It’s unlike anything when you’re loving me.

    I could feel Spencer’s tongue sweep across my center leaving me to arch my back begging for more. Spencer must have understood, because she took my clit in her mouth leaving me to claw at the sheets for dear life.

    “Fuck,” I moaned.

    “You like that Ash,” Spencer stopped, but quickly replaced her tongue with a finger.

    “Oh God,” I repeated for the millionth time tonight.

    “It’s alright Ash,” Spencer smiled at me gently. “Just relax baby.” Taking a deep breath, I felt Spencer add another finger, making sure her thumb never left my clit. “I got you,” she whispered comforting words to me.

    “Spencer,” I could feel myself getting close. Spencer continued to pump in and out of me as she planted kisses along my jaw line.

    “It’s alright Ash.” Grabbing onto Spencer, I felt her curl her finger one last time before I lost it.

    “SPENCER!” I shouted as I fell back to earth and into the girls arms.

    “I got you baby,” Spencer smiled wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing the back of my neck. I don’t know when she got rid of the rest of her cloths, but she was lying next to me completely naked as well, leaving me cuddle up against her naked body. Turning around in her arms to face her, I buried my head in her neck.

    “I love you Ash,” Spencer kissed my forehead.

    “I love you too Spence,” I yawned before falling asleep comfortably in her arms.

    When we came out of the shower, I felt much more refreshed and rejuvenated. Looking over to Spencer, I could tell she felt the same. Wrapping a towel around my body, I stepped out of the steamy bathroom, and went to find my cloths for today.

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