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    Never Back Down Р(Chapter: Would It Be Clich̩ to say I'm Falling For You?)

    “I’m going to go get a towel,” I replied running up the stairs and grabbing a towel and some dry cloths.

    By the time I came to the top of the steps, Spencer had peeled off her shirt, and was down to her bra and jeans. This took me by surprise, leaving me with no time to brace myself.

    “Here, here you go,” I stammered being careful to watch my step so I didn’t end up falling down the stairs.

    “Thanks,” she smiled drying herself off, before she continued stripping.

    “No, no problem,” I stumbled over my words again trying to not look at her, but I couldn’t help but keep stealing glances.

    “So you have a really nice house,” Spencer rambled as she slipped off her pants, leaving me to melt all over the floor.

    “Parents are successful,” I made sure to have only a few worded response to decrease the stuttering.

    “What do they do for a living?” she asked, but it took me a second to even process what she was saying, because at the moment I was much more interested in her golden brown legs that were sliding into a pair of my shorts.

    “Dads a musician. Moms a professional groupie,” I replied as she slid on a shirt, and looked at me.

    “Are you going to change?” she asked confused to why I was just standing there with cloths in my hands.

    “Oh, yeah right,” I blushed. Turning around, I wondered if she would watch me like I had watched her… The thought kind of excited me for some odd reason. God this girl was already getting to me.

    “So what do your parents do then?” I asked her the same questions she had asked me.

    “Mom’s a doctor. My dad used to be a priest a long time ago, but now he’s a social worker. He still helps with the church a lot though.”

    “Wow, how did he take it when you came out then?” I asked slipping shirt on over my head.

    “He doesn’t know…” she stated sounding sad about it.

    “Are you going to tell him?” I asked pulling my hair back and out of my face.

    “I don’t know. I want to, but I just don’t think he’d be real receptive to the whole thing. I mean, last year he went with some of the people from the church to pride. They sat there for hours telling people it wasn’t too late to live the christen way.”

    “Ouch, that’s brutal,” I cringed.

    “Yeah,” she sighed. I could tell it hurt her that her father wouldn’t understand, seeing as how close they were. Turning fully clothed, I could even see it in her eyes that it killed her.

    “You know Spencer, if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here for you,” I tried to make her understand.

    “I can handle it,” she stated snapping back to her normal stubborn self.

    “Alright,” I just sighed.

    “Ashley, can I ask you something?” Spencer smirked.

    “Sure,” I answered unsure.

    “You were totally checking me out weren’t you,” her whole face lighting up at my bewildered expression.

    “No, I just, just didn’t know where else to look,” I rambled.

    “Bullshit, you know all you had to do was ask,” Spencer winked.

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I denied.

    “Ok Ash,” she smiled. “Whatever you say.”

    The first thing I remember waking up to was yelling. The next thing I remember was hearing that I Ashley didn’t belong here either. Rubbing sleep out of my eyes, I looked over to see the spot next to me was empty, and Spencer was one of the ones yelling. Quickly getting out of bed, I went to go help my girl. Whether or not she wanted to admit it, she was going to need my help.

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    1. i’m still not sure why they are there or what’s going on in the fact that paula doesn’t know unless its her being gay but can’t wait for more

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