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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: You're Like A Thorn In My Side. Na, Just Kidding, More Like A Sliver)

    I figured it was probably a good thing that I met her cause Aiden hasn’t called me since Valley Fair. He obviously hasn’t forgotten about how I made fun of him the rest of the day for calling his mom afterwards.

    Spencer and I have been meeting at different places around our towns. Today we’re meeting at DQ.

    “Hey,” I greeted Spencer as she pulled up into the parking lot.

    “Hey, what’s up?” Spencer returned my smile.

    “Not much. Want to get something to eat?”

    “I suppose we should since we’re going inside a restaurant,” Spencer joked taking the initiative of walking in front of me. She reached out her hand to grab the handle, only to pull away in pain.

    “Ah,” Spencer mumbled lifting up her hand to her face to inspect it.

    “Still haven’t got that massive sliver out from the wooden roller coaster railing?” I asked intrigued.

    “Nope, the damn thing buried itself in there good,” she replied using her left hand to pick at the other one.

    “You should just let me help you,” I insisted for the millionth time.

    “I got it.”

    “That’s what you’ve been saying since you’ve got it,” I stated, “but you still haven’t gotten it out.”

    “I’m taking my time,” she assured me. “Until then, I’ll just you my left hand,” she said before opening the door. Shaking my head, I followed her inside.

    I had only know this girl for a few weeks, but I had already discovered her biggest blessing and her biggest curse. Her damn stubbornness and unwillingness to let anyone help stopped me from being able to get even that stupid sliver out. But in these past few weeks she had grown on me incredibly fast. It still made my heart skip every time I’d see her pull up in her run down car. Her beautiful blond hair that flew through the window and those gorgeous deep blue eyes had me hooked. And even though she wouldn’t let anyone help her, she was probably one of the most caring people I knew. I already knew that if I ever needed a friend, she would be the one I’d go to first.

    When this summer started a month ago, I wanted it to be different. It’s like when you can feel something big is going to happen, or at least you wish it does. But this took me by surprise. I could already tell; she was going to be the one who was going to make this summer memorable…

    We’ve been back on the road now for a few hours. The sun has long ago fallen behind the horizon, leaving the moon to stand with it’s symphony of stars backing it up. Yellow lines stretched into the abyss, as headlights passed.

    We’ve been back on the road now for a few hours. The sun has long ago fallen behind the horizon, leaving the moon to stand with it’s symphony of stars backing it up. Yellow lines stretched into the abyss, as headlights passed.

    I always like taking night drives. The darkness gave even the most familiar surroundings a different perspective. Sometimes it helped me clear my head or silence my thoughts.

    Looking over on the passenger side, Spencer was fast asleep. Her head rested on the window. Shadows covered her face. Smiling sadly, I still wish she’d just let me help. I know I screwed up awhile ago, and I’m willing to do anything for this girl. I just hoped she’d realize this soon.

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