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    New Toys and Art


    "What?"  Spencer couldn’t believe Ashley was trying to talk to her right now her eyes looked at Ashley like she was going to devour her.

    Ashley couldn’t help but laugh at her girlfriends face.

    "I just want you to hold on a second."  She smiled down at her girlfriend and got up laughing to herself and shaking her head at Spencer who’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head.  When she came back she had a box that looked kind of like a fishing box she opened it up but Spencer couldn’t see what was in it from where she was laying.

    She pulled out a cloth and Spencer looked at her confused.

    "Just trust me."  Ashley pleaded and Spencer just nod her head.  Ashley leaned forward and wrapped the cloth around Spencer’s eyes and made sure she couldn’t see.  Ashley took a few things out of the box and moved back to sit between Spencer’s legs.  Ashley leaned over Spencer and kissed her lips taking her bottom lip between her teeth and then sucking it lightly.

    "Ohh…..what is that?"  Spencer felt something slide down her neck and it felt really good, at first she thought it was Ashley’s tongue but it was to cold for it to be that.

    "Shh….just enjoy."  Ashley moved the paintbrush down Spencer’s neck and up her chin all the way to the bottom of her lip where she leaned down again and let her nipples brush past Spencer’s as she kissed her.

    "Mmmm."  Was all Spencer could get out.

     Ashley leaned back and continued working on her masterpeice.  She circled both of Spencer’s nipples causing the blonde girl to suck in a breath and then after spending a few moments she moved the brush down her abdomen.  She made hearts and clircles on Spencer’s belly and then moved the brush lower happy that Spencer was completly shaved.  She made a heart over the skin of Spencer’s pussy and then pushed Spencer’s legs open suprised at how wet the blonde girl was.

    "Damn Spence you are so wet baby."

    "Ash please….I.."  Spencer just let the sentence hang in the air as Ashley spread Spencer’s lower lips with one hand and used a clean brush soaked in warm water to spin on Spencer’s clit.

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