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    New Toys and Art

    Ashley knew Spencer wasn’t going to last long once she put the vibrator on her clit so she fucked Spencer for a while without it, she knew Spencer would last a while without some kind of stimulation on her clit to help her cum. 

    Ashley had to squeeze her legs together though her girlfriend was always sexy to her but watching Spencer rock her hips back and forth pushing her pussy harder on the didlo and seeing how drenched she was, and her boobs bouncing up and down as she rocked was about to be her undoing. 

    After a few minutes of this Ashley needed to cum herself so she picked up the vibrator and turned it on high, she could barely hold it the power was so strong she pushed one of Spencer’s legs down and stradled her thigh.  Spencer pushed her thigh up so she could get better friction and Ashley started to rock on Spencer’s thigh the same way she was pushing the dildo into Spencer.

    She moved the vibrator to Spencer’s clit and pushed the dildo in as hard as she could.

    "OHH….Fu…ck…Ash…baby….please……mmm….ahh….so….Im…so….close."  Spencer couldn’t even get her words to come out straight.  Her whole body tightened and she wanted to scream she wanted to shout Ashley’s name to the world she could feel Ashley rock hard against her and knew she was close.

    "ASH."  Spencer whispered in a broken voice as she came her whole body felt like it was going to pop she couldn’t breath she couldn’t think her hair was stuck to her neck and face she let her hands fall to the ground trying to find something to hold onto but she couldn’t.  Ashley kept up the pace even though Spencer had cum she knew she had more in her and as she came she felt Spencer’s whole body tighten even more though she didn’t know how it was possible.

    "SPENCE."  Ashley could scream and she did pretty loudly. "ASH."  This time Spencer found her voice and it came back with a vengence she screamed until she didn’t have air left.  Ashley pulled the dildo out and moved the vibrator to the floor she let her whole body fall onto Spencer’s and they lay their until their breathing calmed.

    "Ash?"  After a few minutes Spencer ran her fingers through Ashley’s hair and without looking up Ashley just said.


    "Can I take this blindfold off now?"  Ashley smiled and looked up pulling the blindfold off and looking into Spencer’s eyes.

    Spencer looked at her chest and then at Ashley.

    "Did you run out of paper in art class."  She said laughing.

    "No…I…well…I just thought you would like it."

    Spencer pulled Ashley’s mouth to her and kissed her lightly.

    "I did."  She smiled to reasure the older girl than she moved them so she was on top.

    "Your turn." She winked and than she had her own turn to make a masterpiece.

    When Spencer got home the next morning Paula was up she noticed the paint and just raised her eyebrows for an explanation.

    "I….uhh…need a shower I was painting at Chelsea’s."  She turned quickly and ran up the stairs the smile on her face was so big she knew her mom would demand an explanation if she saw it. 

    "I didn’t lie I really was painting." she said to herself.

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