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    Next Time Around: 2 – (Chapter: Catching up)


    “Well no offense, you’re both my mom and that wont ever change, but I know enough to know that it isn’t exactly physically possible. Somewhere within the equation there is an unknown variable. I’m sorry, but I’m getting tired of not knowing what that variable is because somehow the equation can’t equal me if that variable is unknown.”


    “You just had to raise her to be so smart.” Ashley said to Spencer. It was her form of asking what Amanda had just said.


    “She means that she is tired of not knowing who her father is.” The terror ran through their veins as they thought about how to explain it. Amanda’s phone began to ring loudly as the toaster popped almost on cue.


     “Hello…yeah, I’ll be right there.” She said into the phone and then closed it. She grabbed her bag and pulled her toast from the toaster. “Jess is here so I gotta go. Can we finish talking after school?”


    “Of course.” Ashley said uneasily. “Have a good day at school.” They said their goodbye’s and then parted their separate ways. Amanda was gone for school to leave two very confused adults at home alone. No, wait…what’s that? A loud boom came from upstairs followed by numerous others. Ashley put on her stern face and raced up the stairs followed by Spencer.


    Ashley walked into a room to see a sight she’d rather not seen. Clothing was scattered everywhere in the dim lighted room and you could barely even find the occupant. It was such a mess and the only light was coming from a lava lamp below a Fender poster on the wall. Music was blaring loudly and filling the entire house. Soon a tall boy ran across the floor in and let himself slide freely against the wood. His back was to his parents, but he wouldn’t have cared if they were there or not.


    Spencer walked over to the loud stereo and pressed a single button causing the music to stop. Avery turned around and looked at them questioningly. This revealed his outfit of the day. He was styled in a pair of faded blue jeans that were fit for a girl but supported with a black leather belt with a large belt buckle of the H.I.M heartogram. His shirt was loose, but not baggy. The green shirt complimented his green eyes which were surrounded by eyeliner. His hair was still dripping with gel as it was parted on the side and covering one eye, but stood spiked in the back. “Hey, why did you turn it off?” He asked scratching at the small patch of hair on the bottom of his chin.

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    1. Oh my god Tease. You have made me so happy. Heres the happy dance for you. I love it. Next time around is my very favor story on here. And now part2 to it. Hell yes. You have made my night. This story is very wonderful and i`m so excited to see where it goes. I need more more. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    2. Oh my god Tease. You have made me so happy. Heres the happy dance for you. I love it. Next time around is my very favor story on here. And now part2 to it. Hell yes. You have made my night. This story is very wonderful and i`m so excited to see where it goes. I need more more. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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