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    Next Time Around: 2 – (Chapter: Catching up)


    “It was too loud.” Ashley replied simply. “If you want to play music, that’s fine. Just please keep it to a reasonable level.”


    “Okay Mom.” He replied grabbing his messenger bag off of the floor and placing the strap across his chest. “I have to get to school.” He said passing by Spencer.


    “Wait,” The blonde said easily grabbing a hold of his arm and pulling him back into the room. “We all have to have a talk when you get home, so can you come straight here after school?”


    “Um, yeah but is it gonna run late? Some friends and I are going to a 30 Seconds to Mars concert tonight.”


    “How are you getting there?” Ashley asked.


    “Eric is driving us all there.”


    “Who is Eric?” Ashley asked again. It wasn’t so much that she was trying to be the concerned parent. It was that she wanted to know who her son was going to be with. She didn’t know this Eric kid or even heard of him. And to a parent, that can be concerning.


    A look of nerves played across Avery’s face as he heard a honk from a car outside. “Um, can I go now?” He asked and received a nod from both parents. “Bye mom.” He said and kissed Ashley’s cheek then did the same with Spencer. “Bye mom.” Then he was gone.


    He ran down the stairs and out the front door with his rugged converse. No matter how many new shoes that boy got, he always wore those. He hoped into the passenger seat of the car in the driveway and smiled. “Hey Eric.” He said happily. He was always happiest around Eric.


    “Hey baby.” They shared a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek before lacing their fingers and proceeding to leave for school.


    Inside the home Spencer sat lazily on the couch with Ashley pacing the room. “What are we going to tell them?” Ashley asked and turned on her heel to pace in the other direction.


    “Well, we could be honest. That usually works.” Spencer suggested.


    “Oh yeah I can picture it now. ‘Hey kids hope you had a good day at school. Your biological father is in prison and by the way you’re a product of rape’.” Chris had been in and out of prison for the past ten years. His last charge is what put him away for good: Vehicular Manslaughter. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to snap at you.” Ashley apologized.

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    1. Oh my god Tease. You have made me so happy. Heres the happy dance for you. I love it. Next time around is my very favor story on here. And now part2 to it. Hell yes. You have made my night. This story is very wonderful and i`m so excited to see where it goes. I need more more. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    2. Oh my god Tease. You have made me so happy. Heres the happy dance for you. I love it. Next time around is my very favor story on here. And now part2 to it. Hell yes. You have made my night. This story is very wonderful and i`m so excited to see where it goes. I need more more. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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