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    Next Time Around: 2 – (Chapter: Catching up)


    “It’s okay.” Spencer said easily. “What do you think they will do when they find out?”


    “I don’t know, but I’m terrified of it.”


    “Everyone has their secrets, Ash. Maybe they will understand why we kept this from them.” Spencer said pulling Ashley to the couch to sit next to her.


    “They don’t have to know the entire truth you know.” Ashley said. “We can tell them that his name is Chris and he and I got carried away one night and I got impregnated by him and then he took off.”


    “Would you really lie to them like that?” Spencer asked.


    “I don’t want to.” Ashley said.


    “But would you?”


    Ashley stared into those blue eyes that she loved so much without answering. Spencer took the look for the answer it was and dropped her head disappointedly.


    Over the past few years, the name Amanda had become confusing. So the adult Amanda shortened it to Mandy to cut down the confusion. “So what are we going to buy for Avery?” Kelly asked whilst leaning on the shopping cart walking down the isles in a store.


    “I don’t know. That boy changes styles like crazy.” Mandy said walking by Kelly’s side. “Well what did you want when you were fifteen?”


    “Boys” Came the simple reply.


    “Something tells me Avery won’t go for that.”


    “You never know” Kelly sang. “Okay, how about…CD’s? Every kid likes music right?”


    “Right…what type of music does he like?” Mandy asked. It had become apparent that neither of them knew this boy as well as they used to. He used to be simple to shop for. They would get him football gear or baseball things…anything that had to do with what boys liked to do. Within the past three years he had become very hard to read.


    “Ooo” Kelly said after grabbing a CD off of the shelf. “I heard him mention this band.”


    “Army of Anyone?” Mandy asked reading the CD cover. “Okay, well let’s get him some more CD’s.”


    “Mandy, you so need to get caught up in the world of music.” Kelly said nudging her body into her girlfriend’s.

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    1. Oh my god Tease. You have made me so happy. Heres the happy dance for you. I love it. Next time around is my very favor story on here. And now part2 to it. Hell yes. You have made my night. This story is very wonderful and i`m so excited to see where it goes. I need more more. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    2. Oh my god Tease. You have made me so happy. Heres the happy dance for you. I love it. Next time around is my very favor story on here. And now part2 to it. Hell yes. You have made my night. This story is very wonderful and i`m so excited to see where it goes. I need more more. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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