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    Next Time Around: 2 – (Chapter: Martin Sheen or JFK)

    Spencer returned home with plastic bags full of groceries hanging from each arm. She had carefully fixed her make up to hide the fact that she had been crying. She had promised not to go there alone. Although, her father was there, doesn’t that mean she technically wasn’t alone? Considering the fact that she hadn’t planned on him being there, she knew Ashley wouldn’t see it that way.


    Ashley rushed to help her wife with the numerous bags which appeared heavy and as she grabbed a few of them she placed a light kiss on the blonde’s lips. “Hey, what took you so long?” Ashley asked.


    “Um, the store was packed.” Over the years she had become and excellent liar.


    “Okay, well the kids should be home soon so let’s put these away.” The brunette suggested lightly as she walked towards the kitchen. She began putting cans of vegetables in the pantry followed by the assortments of bread. Spencer walked into the room and nervously leaned against the isle in the middle. She sort of fiddled with the side of the countertop as she thought to herself how to say things the best way. “Something wrong?” Ashley asked noting the strange actions, but continued to stock groceries.


    “Well, not really. It’s just…are we really going to lie to them?”


    Ashley stopped what she was doing to look at Spencer. She had thought about telling them the truth. So many times she had thought about it, but she could never come up with a way to tell them that would end nicely. Every scenario she played in her head ended with one of the kids in tears and the other getting mad and storming up to their room. “I don’t want to lie to them, Spencer. I just think that maybe if I don’t tell them the whole truth…things would work out better.”


    “For them or for you?” Spencer asked.


    A little shocked, Ashley paused before answering. “For all of us.”


    “Ashley, we made a promise that we would tell them when they got old enough.”


    “Yeah and I intend to keep that promise.”


    “Well guess what.” Spencer said. “They’re growing up. I just think it is time that they find out.”

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    1. Okay im crying. This is sooo sad and I know YOU and your gonna make it go way worse before it gets better. Ughh suszyQ your a genius but in a mad scientist thats bordering being psychotic kind if way. MAKE IT BETTER SOON!

    2. Dang. I can help but feel. I don’t know how I feel, but I feel. Lord. Update soon woulda ya? I’ll totally hold you as a God over my head if you would. You’d be even better than my friend Henrietta. She’s the bomb. You’d be an A-Bomb. That’s how awesome you’d be. And I’m somewhat inebiarated. Woot. Love!

    3. Poor Twins. I worried about this happening when i read the first part of this story. This is why I wondered if Spencer should RUN RUN RUN for her life. And why I wondered if Ashley should’ve decided to be a mom with her 16 year olf gf after being raped. I knew those twin’s would grow up and have issue’s. I’m disappointed that Ash and Spencer played house wive’s for 15 years and didn’t finish school. Does Spencer recent Ashley? I hope she doesn’t blame her for not finishing school because that’s her own fault. Ashley being rich should’ve made it easier for them to finish school and do constructive things for the twin’s not make it easier for them to play house. Avery being gay is……..interesting. He and his sister seem like a smart ass’s. They are definitely Ashley’s twin’s. Ashley and Spencer in their late 20’s? Shouldn’t they be 32? I have no doubt that’d Spashley wouldn’t be hot 32 year old’s. I’d love to see growth between them. I think Ashley is right for not wanting to tell the twin’s the truth. Why do they need to know? Their father would serve them better being known as dead. It really serves them to purpose to know that Ashley was brutally raped. They already have issue’s because they have their mom’s DNA. Please don’t let them be as scarey as I think they are. I’d like to think Ash and Spencer would raise some pretty cool, out going, open minded and funny kid’s. I also can’t wait to see how you write/portray them as parents. Is Ash the fun parent? I see Spencer being understanding like Arthur but, having a little bit of Paula in her. (the best of Paula. the part thats a good mom but, over protective and sets curfew) PMS

    4. Okay im crying. This is sooo sad and I know YOU and your gonna make it go way worse before it gets better. Ughh suszyQ your a genius but in a mad scientist thats bordering being psychotic kind if way. MAKE IT BETTER SOON!

    5. Dang. I can help but feel. I don’t know how I feel, but I feel. Lord. Update soon woulda ya? I’ll totally hold you as a God over my head if you would. You’d be even better than my friend Henrietta. She’s the bomb. You’d be an A-Bomb. That’s how awesome you’d be. And I’m somewhat inebiarated. Woot. Love!

    6. Poor Twins. I worried about this happening when i read the first part of this story. This is why I wondered if Spencer should RUN RUN RUN for her life. And why I wondered if Ashley should’ve decided to be a mom with her 16 year olf gf after being raped. I knew those twin’s would grow up and have issue’s. I’m disappointed that Ash and Spencer played house wive’s for 15 years and didn’t finish school. Does Spencer recent Ashley? I hope she doesn’t blame her for not finishing school because that’s her own fault. Ashley being rich should’ve made it easier for them to finish school and do constructive things for the twin’s not make it easier for them to play house. Avery being gay is……..interesting. He and his sister seem like a smart ass’s. They are definitely Ashley’s twin’s. Ashley and Spencer in their late 20’s? Shouldn’t they be 32? I have no doubt that’d Spashley wouldn’t be hot 32 year old’s. I’d love to see growth between them. I think Ashley is right for not wanting to tell the twin’s the truth. Why do they need to know? Their father would serve them better being known as dead. It really serves them to purpose to know that Ashley was brutally raped. They already have issue’s because they have their mom’s DNA. Please don’t let them be as scarey as I think they are. I’d like to think Ash and Spencer would raise some pretty cool, out going, open minded and funny kid’s. I also can’t wait to see how you write/portray them as parents. Is Ash the fun parent? I see Spencer being understanding like Arthur but, having a little bit of Paula in her. (the best of Paula. the part thats a good mom but, over protective and sets curfew) PMS

    7. Tease no. You have to fix all of them. Making them this happy little family. I`m all sad now. But i guess every story has to have drama. You know your story is my very favor. Cant wait to see what happens next.

    8. Tease no. You have to fix all of them. Making them this happy little family. I`m all sad now. But i guess every story has to have drama. You know your story is my very favor. Cant wait to see what happens next.

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