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    Not Ready to Make Nice

    There’s nothing left for me to figure out

    I learned a lot about myself in this whole screwed up process. I guess you did, too. We figured it all out. You chose him, and I’m left with nothing. Well, I have your sister, I guess. She’s a good friend. It’s too bad you two don’t talk, anymore. It’s understandable. She was hurt in all this, too. You hurt both of us.

    I paid a price

    Mom and I don’t talk like we used to. Hardly say anything to each other at all. I suppose I had to pay for my pseudo-happiness.

    And I’ll keep paying

    Mom’ll never look at me the same way, again. Other people will be the same as her. Always criticizing and saying my life style is wrong. I’ll never stop paying.

    I’m not ready to make nice

    I forgave you, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna be nice about it. I shouldn’t have to. You put me through all kinds of hurt. No, I’m not ready to make nice.

    I’m not ready to back down

    The battle lines are still drawn. I’m not ready to back down, and just go back. Back to the way we were before it all. I doubt I could.

    I’m still mad as hell

    I’ll admit it, I’m pretty pissed off. We went through a lot together, and you just threw it all away like it was nothing. Fine, you do what you think you have to. I won’t do that, though. I’m not going to forget about what was there and pretend it wasn’t.

    And I don’t have time to go round and round and round

    I’m through with you going back and forth. I don’t have time to wait for you to keep deciding.

    It’s too late to make it right

    There’s nothing you could say or I could do that will make this right. Or even make it even seem like it is.

    I probably wouldn’t if I could

    Even if there was something I could do to make it right, I don’t think I would. Maybe this is just supposed to stay like this. No matter how messed up it is.

    ‘Cause I’m mad as hell


    1. Well, now I’m officially depressed. Thanks for that. Maybe you could do a continuation and make Spashley happy again? Cool use of the Dixie Chicks song though.

    2. insertcleveranswer-Sorry I depressed you. And I don’t know about a continuation. I’ll think it over. Thanks for the comment.frakin08-Yeah, it is pretty heartbreaking, but it’s what came to mind when I heard the song, and I had a screaming urge to write it down. I hope I didn’t depress you, as well. Thanks for the comment.=S

    3. Brownie points? Sweet, thanks. And yeah, I don’t like country either, but a friend of mine made me listen to the song and, well, the rest is history.

    4. Well, now I’m officially depressed. Thanks for that. Maybe you could do a continuation and make Spashley happy again? Cool use of the Dixie Chicks song though.

    5. insertcleveranswer-Sorry I depressed you. And I don’t know about a continuation. I’ll think it over. Thanks for the comment.frakin08-Yeah, it is pretty heartbreaking, but it’s what came to mind when I heard the song, and I had a screaming urge to write it down. I hope I didn’t depress you, as well. Thanks for the comment.=S

    6. Brownie points? Sweet, thanks. And yeah, I don’t like country either, but a friend of mine made me listen to the song and, well, the rest is history.

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