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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: 11 [Her Tongue])

    “You know what happens to bad girl who don’t listen” She says barely above a whisper. I just close my eyes and gulp, I don’t know whether my excitement or fear is taking over, but I love every bit of it.

    She turns me over, once again, like nothing, and I feel some fuzzy things on my wrists. I look back and there are pink handcuffs on my wrists.

    “Ash, what the” I start but it’s quickly interrupted by my yelp as she spanks me. And she does it again, and again.

    “Good girls don’t talk back” She says as she continues the spanking, each time leaving her hand on my ass longer, squeezing it. It kind of cancels out the pain, but I can’t say I’m not enjoying the pain. She continues this and then just stops out of nowhere.

    “Ash” I look back and she’s nowhere to be found. Crap, she actually left me here. I try and get up, without my hands, and it works, until I’m being pushed back down.

    “Wow, bad girls just never learn, do they?” She says as I hear snipping going on. I look back and she has some scissors.

    “What are those for” I ask.

    “These pants you have on are in the way” She says and then she just starts cutting, a big whole in my pants, just wide enough so both my butt cheeks hang out.

    “God, if there is something I love beside those blue eyes, it’s this ass” She says as she gives me another spank. I can feel my ass getting hotter, redder.

    “Next time, you better behave better” She says as she spanks me one final time.

    “Would you look at that” She says as she caresses my clit with the fingers.

    “You’re so wet, did I do this?” She asks innocently, almost angelic.

    “Mhm” I say as I close my eyes when she inserts a finger. Oh god, it’s the best feeling ever.

    She turns me around once again, my hands behind my back with the stupid handcuffs, and my legs on her shoulders as she kisses the inside of my thighs, and she teases me, and I can’t do anything about it.

    “God, you look so good” She says, this time bringing down what is left of my shorts, and she starts barely licking my pussy. I can barely feel her tongue, even her breath, but it’s still driving me crazier than ever.

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    1. Oh shit is absolutely right! Kyla needs to remember that Spencer is not her girlfriend, but somehow I don’t think Spencer will get out of this with a minor technicality! Tomato…tomahto! PMS

    2. Oh shit is absolutely right! Kyla needs to remember that Spencer is not her girlfriend, but somehow I don’t think Spencer will get out of this with a minor technicality! Tomato…tomahto! PMS

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