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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: 11 [Her Tongue])

    “Lick me” I say, trying to get right to the point, because I know I’m going to explode.

    “No, not yet” She says as she starts paying attention to my breasts, one in her mouth, the other being twisted and pulled with her hand.

    “God, these are so good” She moans as she continues sucking and biting. She continues twisting and pulling, she continues grabbing and squeezing my ass with her free hand.

    And then she starts heading down, kissing a trail over my abs, over my belly button, and so close, but she stops and looks up at me.

    “I love those eyes” She says before she once again uses her tongue to tease me, licking around the area I want, I need her to lick.

    “Ah” And there it is, her tongue, flicking my clit, her tongue, slurping my wetness, her tongue, biting and sucking gently as I feel myself about to come. And then she uses those fingers, two at first, which soon become 3 as she pumps in and out of me.

    I raise my hips, and it works as her biting and sucking becomes more furious, and her fingers reach deeper and I can feel it, I can feel her reach my limit, and that’s when I cum. That’s when I hear all the slurping going on down there, all the licking and moans of pleasure the both of us are making.

    “You taste so sweet” She says before she comes back up my body and kisses me, I can taste myself on her lips, but it’s different, I can taste some Ashley too, and then she licks her fingers, and makes me lick them too, and oh god, that definitely tastes like Ashley.

    I look down and see her so wet, and I see that that’s where her fingers just came from, and that’s why it tastes so sweet.

    She takes out a key from under the covers and lets me out of the handcuffs, the cute pink handcuffs, the ones I hated just minutes ago. And now I really couldn’t love them more.

    “That was wow” She says as she buries her head in my neck. My hands roam up and down her body, touching her center and feeling her gasp, and then let out a moan. I kissed her breasts, taking off her bra slowly, making sure I took my time with this. Wanting to repay for all the teasing, I had gone through before. I kiss her breasts softly, hearing her let out a soft moan.

    I place kissed down her body as she did, and then I reach her panties. I take off her panties and see her pussy all wet, just waiting there for me.

    And as much as I want to tease her, I can’t, I need her now, I need to taste her now. I need to have her screaming my name now.

    So I attack, licking, sucking, biting, everything my tongue could do, it was being done, and hearing her moan, made my tongue only want to work harder, it made my fingers reach deep inside of her, as she screamed my name.

    “Oh, Spencer” She said as she bucked her hips wildly.

    “Oh my god Spencer” She said again as I continues pumping in and out of her, as I continued trying to make her come so I could taste her completely.

    “Oh my god Spencer” I heard again, but it wasn’t Ashley’s voice, and I turn around and see Kyla standing there, with her mouth open and her eyes practically jumping out of their sockets.

    Oh, shit.

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    1. Oh shit is absolutely right! Kyla needs to remember that Spencer is not her girlfriend, but somehow I don’t think Spencer will get out of this with a minor technicality! Tomato…tomahto! PMS

    2. Oh shit is absolutely right! Kyla needs to remember that Spencer is not her girlfriend, but somehow I don’t think Spencer will get out of this with a minor technicality! Tomato…tomahto! PMS

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