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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: I choose who i love [Chapter 5])

    But, no, I know I made the right choice, Kyla, I love her, I know I do, there isn’t anymore doubt, I have to, I mean she’s my best friend, she’s been their for me through thick and thin and all that other stuff.

    We reach our destination as Ashley and Kyla get the stuff from out of the trunk in the back and walk in the house, Kyla gives Ashley a short tour of the house ending at the guest room. Kyla tells Ashley she’ll continue the tour later since they should get some sleep, it is 7 a.m. and neither of the three of us have gotten much sleep. We nod and head to our bedrooms, Ashley to the guest room with Kyla and I in Kyla’s room. I lay down on the bed, and Kyla lies next to me. I look into her eyes and see her fall into a deep sleep, I just watch her sleep and she looks so beautiful.

    My bladder decides now would be a good time to empty itself apparently. I walk out of the room and into the bathroom as I hear some movements in the guestroom which is right next to the bathroom. I walk and close the door and do my business on the toilet. I hear the guestroom door open and close and someone walking down the hallway. I peek out slightly and see Ashley walking towards the stairs, I see the booty shorts she’s wearing to bed, god she’s so hot. I close the door and just think about everything that has happened today.

    My best friend and I finally recognize our feelings, and now I realize all these other feelings too, god it’s so difficult. I hear someone coming up the stairs. I decide its Ashley and I try and quickly finish my business. I wash my hands and walk out just as Ashley gets to her door. I look into her eyes and get lost into them ass he does the same. She opens the door to her bedroom and leaves it open, probably and invitation to come in, and I am just too nice to reject an invitation.

    I walk inside and close the door behind me and see Ashley drinking a glass of water, she gets under the covers and moves to on side of the bed probably letting me know the other side is for me. I walk over to the bed and get under the covers with her as I hug her and just hold her in my arms. She turns towards me and gives me a kiss on my lips, I return the kiss and we make out for a good 5 minutes before we realize that to live we kind of need oxygen.

    I look into her eyes, god maybe she’s right. She kisses my nose before she turns away from me and I hear her start to snore. I get up and go around the bed, I kneel down and just run my hands through her hair and kiss her softly on the lips before heading back to Kyla’s room. I get up and head towards the door and see it slightly open, god, I guess I should tell Kyla her guestroom door is broken.

    I head back the Kyla’s room and Kyla is not here. I lie down on the bed anyway and wait for her, she comes in after about 5 minutes of waiting and lies down next to me. She lies down and turns away from me and whispers.

    “Hold me please?” She asks me, of course I will. I hold her tight to my body hoping I never have to let go, sure I have feelings for Ashley, but I think Kyla is more important, well I hope she is.

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