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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: New Loves, New Regrets [Chapter 3])

    I look at both as they give each other dirty looks. I just stand there and feel my legs starting to fall asleep on me, probably from standing this whole time. It seemed so fast but I know I’ve been standing here for at least 20 minutes. Not moving one little bit. I walk over to Kyla and she looks mad. I look at the security guard as he gets the hint nd gets up and walks towards the other security guard. I see Ashley whisper something into the security guards ear and he just nods as she gets up.

    I just grab Kyla’s hand and pray to whatever god there is that Ashley doesn’t come here. I see her walking towards us as Kyla just lowers her gaze, probably trying to control herself. I look at Ashley as she walks right past us and heads towards the bathroom. I thank god that she didn’t stop. I catch Ashley’s gaze as she smiles and winks at me before entering the bathroom. I just can’t help but smile at her, and I quickly erase the smile from my face as I see Kyla pick her head up.

    I look at her and her eye has quickly turned a dark purple. I go to touch it but she moves her head away. She gets up and looks at me with hate.

    “I’ll be waiting in the car, and bring devil sister” She says as she turns around and walks away. God I hate myself, the only girl I’ve actually opened up to since moving to Baltimore. And she turned out to be the one to help me through a confusing time, I mean we helped each other out, of course neither one of us made a move until last night, but we have been flirting, and holding hands, and those stairs she gives me, it just turns me on so much.

    I hated when she was mad at me when we were just friends, but we’ve reached a new level with our relationship and I can’t take her being mad at me. I decide that we can talk at her house. I get up and realize that I have to get Ashley.

    I walk into the bathroom and see Ashley washing out her mouth. She spits into the sink as I walk over and see blood in the sink. I quickly look away, I never liked the look of blood, even if it’s just in a sink. I turn back to Ashley and see Ashley turn around and she looks at me. I can see her left cheek turning a bit blue. I reach out and touch it, I feel a surge of electricity as I touch her and I quickly pull away. I can see she felt it too. I reach in again to touch her cheek as she covers my hand with hers.

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