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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: New Loves, New Regrets [Chapter 3])

    I feel her soft skin, its so smooth. As I let go of her cheek Ashley keeps her hand on mine and for some strange reason I don’t pull away. She intertwines our fingers as she goes to look in the mirror. She takes her free hand and turns on the sink as she takes a handful of water and drinks it up. I look on with curiosity what she is doing. I see her spit out the water in her mouth and see that the water comes out just as clean as it was when she drank it. She looks up and smiles at me. I return the smile, I mean who couldn’t.

    “I stopped bleeding, and you’re smile is beautiful” She says as I keep my smiling and blush at her comment about my smile. I look at her as she smiles right back and I know I should say something, so I just blurt out the first thing that comes out of my mouth.

    “You have a real cute nose, especially when you smile and its gets all scrunched up” I say and cover my mouth with my free hand. She smiles and her nose scrunches up just the way I told her. She just looks at me as I put my hand back to my side and smile once again.

    “Well your lips are cute, they look real fluffy” I laugh at her comment knowing she couldn’t think of anything else to say. She doesn’t look like the girl that knows too much mushy talk and such. I just smile and as does she.

    “I love your eyes, they’re so beautiful, I love the color brown” I blurt out once again. I have no idea what I’m doing. These thing are just coming out, god I can’t control it with this girl. She takes her free hand and puts it under my chin as she slides it over to my cheek. I blush at her touch of course.

    “You’re cheeks are red, they’re cute, and with those cute little dimples” She smiles at me and I blush even harder. She slides her hand over to my lips as she grazes them softly and smiles at me as she bites her lower lip. I kiss her finger and her hand slides back to its original position under my chin as she leans in slowly. I instinctively lean in too as we both look into each others eyes looking for answers to one simple question. Should we be doing this? I am with this girls sister, I can’t I can’t but I have to, she is just so beautiful.

    Our lips meet in the middle as we share a passion filled kiss. She presses her tongue against my lips asking for access which I of course quickly grant. Our tongues dance around each other for a bit until we finally stop the kiss. I open my eyes and see Ashley’s beautiful eyes as she bites her lip one more time turning me on quickly.

    “So where is this other chick’s ride, I don’t want to be in an airport all day” She says and I smile and just head towards the bathroom door still holding Ashley’s hand as I turn around quickly and give her a quick peck on the lips and walk out the door with her and head towards Kyla’s car.

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