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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: Sooner or later [Chapter 9])

    “Kyla came by, about 15 minutes ago” He adds as he just looks at me, probably wondering why I’m sleeping during the day, I’ve never done this.

    “Yeah, what did she say” I say a little too eager, hoping my dad didn’t catch that.

    “She said to call her or just stop by her house, she wanted to talk” I sighed and laid my head back on my pillow.

    “Is something up between you and Kyla” My dad asks, god he just knows me too well.

    “I think I love her” I barely whisper out. I hear my dad chuckle slightly as I lift my head up to look at him.

    “What’s so funny” I ask.

    “Spencer, you do or you don’t, people say the think they love someone, when their scared of the outcome, or reaction of the other person” He just smiles at me before kissing me on the forehead.

    “I’m going to go to Kyla’s dad” I say.

    “Sure Spence” I know he has that stupid smile on his face, knowing what he said made a big difference in my life.

    I lay down for a couple more minutes before I grab my keys and basically run out of the house and get in my car.

    I can’t think I love her, I have to know, I have to make sure, can’t have any doubts about love, it’s a yes or no question, not a maybe.

    I reach her house in what seems like seconds, when in fact it was at least 20 minutes, as I see the clock now flashing 9:58.

    I think about my words carefully as I leave the car. I am not sure what I should and what I shouldn’t say, I have to make sure I know what I’m doing.

    I knock on the door and wait for her to answer. I see the door open and see Ashley standing their, she pulls me in and closes the door. She slams me against the door as she kisses me.

    As good as it feels I have to stop it, I have to do what I cam here to do. And sadly enough, Ashley is not really what I came here to do.

    “Ash” I say as I break the kiss, the electrifying kiss, the one that leaves that tingling feeling on my lips, just like Kyla does.

    “I came her to talk to Kyla” I say, and she just smiles as she attacks my neck.

    “She’s in her room crying and such” She says, as she sucks on my pulse point, knowing she’s leaving a mark.

    “Ash, I really have to talk to her” I say hoping she stops, and apparently she reads my mind as she stops and looks at me up and down.

    She bites her lips before moving to the side, letting me pass to go upstairs to see Kyla. I smile and walk past her, but not before getting a fast slap on the ass, I let out a yelp as I look at Ashley and she just laughs and points at my ass and points at herself and mouths ‘mine’. I just smile and keep walking up the stairs.

    I reach her door, I knock and hear a soft,

    “Come in” I walk inside and close the door behind me before looking at Kyla and see her in fact crying.

    “Kyla, before you say anything”

    “Where were you this afternoon?” She cuts me off.

    Remember when I said this whole thing was going to blow up in my face sooner or later, well, God chose sooner.

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