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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: We need to talk [Chapter 4])

    “I’m sorry, what did you say?” She laughs at me a bit, and it sounds like an annoying laugh, like the ones where you want to take the person and throw them out the window and stuff.

    “Some was off in la la land, I asked for your name” She laughs some more, I start to look around, god damn it, stupid windowless bathrooms.

    “Oh, I’m Spencer.” I respond while I stick out my hand waiting for a handshake.

    “Hey Spencer” She takes my hand and gives me quite a strong handshake.

    “So picking up some family?” She asks and I blank out for a second.

    “I forgot” She laughs again and I swear I start thinking just about making a hole in the wall and throwing her out it.

    “You’re quite the dork aren’t you Spencer” She says with a slight chuckle, as my wish for a hole in the wall gradually disappears.

    “I’m here because my friend’s sister just came from L.A.” I say and she just nods as she finished applying a massive amount of lipstick on her lips.

    “Well I got to go Spencer, I liked our little conversation even though you apparently weren’t here the whole time” She starts to laugh, great, and the wish for the hole is back.

    “Here is my number, call me this weekend we can chill, you can even invite your friend and her sister” She says as she smiles and hands me a piece of paper with her phone number on it. What does she like carry these around in her purse in case she meets some random girl in an airport bathroom.

    “Ok, I’ll give you a call Madison” I say as the Latina leaves the bathroom. I look into the mirror once again and look through my cell phone once again and just look through all my pictures with Kyla. God we’re so happy together, I have just been waiting for this to happen for so long, why did Ashley come and ruin it, well maybe I’m not so into Kyla as I thought, maybe I’m into Ashley more or maybe, god this is hard.

    I leave the bathroom and a million things are running through my head, god who should I be with, not in a million years did I think this would happen, its just like if someone told me yesterday, I would make out with my best friend and find out I’m into her sister that she didn’t know she had, god I even confused myself. I walk into the waiting room and find Ashley and Kyla actually talking, that really doesn’t make any of this easier. Apparently Ashley hasn’t told Kyla that we’ve made out in the bathroom. Because I’m pretty sure Kyla would be pissed.

    And for some strange reason, I know who I want to choose, I already know who I’m going to choose. But who do I talk to first, to who do I break the new to first. God, well at least I did already make one decision one left to go. I walk over to the girls and look at them both and see them both with smiles plastered on their faces.

    “Umm, Ashley can I talk to you for a second?” I ask her and she just looks at her sister and nods at me and gets up.

    “Kyla, me and Ashley will be right back, I just want to show her something.” I say to her and she smiles at me, I can see its fake, but I can’t deal with that right now. I take Ashley pretty far away from the waiting room before turning to her and saying.

    “Ash, we need to talk.”

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