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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: What have I gotten myself into [Chapter 6])

    “And I like that you want to try it out with her, even though we both know it’s a forever type of thing, well not to you at least, you just always wanted that person you could always count on, I respect that, I really do, and I will wait for you, because I can see how you look at me, you’re just scared that I’m not trustworthy, that I’ll hurt you and that’s because you don’t know me yet, but we can get to know each other. But I don’t see why I can’t wait and have just a little bit of you on the side” She said with a wide smile.

    “Please?” She asked with a super cute puppy dog face. I kissed her as she leaned me down on the bed behind us as she attacked my neck. She stopped as she got up and she walked towards the door.

    “Not a word to Kyla, got it?” She told me as I just nodded my head up and down. She smiled and blew me a kiss before asking.

    “Ready?” I just looked at her confused.

    “For what?” I responded wondering what the hell she was talking about.

    “Spencer, go to hell!” She yelled at me. I looked at her hurt.

    “Ashley, what…” I was cut off by the door opening behind Ashley, and I saw Kyla walk in. I look at Ashley as she crossed her arms on her chest, and looked at me, this was a game, and I got it.

    “Ashley, what are you still doing here, I told you to get the hell out of here!” I yelled, she pushed Kyla out the way. Kyle looked at me as I kept looking at Ashley. She was heading out, but before she completely left she blew me another kiss, with a sly smirk on her face.

    “What was that about?” Kyla asked sitting down on the edge of the bed.

    “Nothing for you to worry about baby” I said as I spread my arms open. Kyla smiled as she crawled up to and snuggled into me as we were planning on sleeping for a while longer.

    “I love you Spencer” She says as I hear her start to slightly snore as I just run my fingers through her hair. God damn it, what have I gotten myself into. I close my eyes and all I can think about is Ashley, and how I can’t wait to see her again.

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