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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: You can lose everything in just 5 minutes [Chapter 10])

    I reach out to touch her face, but she just moves back and walks towards her room. I close Kyla’s room and follow Ashley, and then the door is slammed in my face.

    I knock on the door, hoping I can at least talk to Ashley, I felt horrible for saying all those things.

    “Go away” She says as I just stare at the door, hoping she opens it anyway.

    But nothing.

    “You knew this was going to happen” I say without thinking, damn it Spencer, think before you speak.

    “Fuck you” She yells.

    “If you hadn’t been such a slut this wouldn’t have happened” God damn it, what the fuck happened to think before you speak.

    The door opens and Ashley slaps me clear across the face, I can feel the hand mark on my face.

    “I’m so sorry” I barely whisper.

    But nothing.

    The door is slammed again right in my face. I sigh and just decide to head out would be the right thing to do.

    But I have to know how she knew, why did blow up right in my face, why did this happen.

    I walk into Kyla’s room, hearing her still crying. I sit on the edge of the bed.

    “What the hell do you want?” She asks, and I just flinch when she says the words with such anger.

    “I know this is like completely insensitive of me, but, how did you know?” I ask.

    “Your phone” She says.

    “What about my phone?” I ask, her answer not really shedding any light on the situation.

    “When I texted you this morning, I was just leaving the house, but I heard your stupid ring tone upstairs” She said as she got up and started searching her drawers.

    “So stupid me, I though, she left her phone in my room, but when I got there, it wasn’t coming from my room, it was from the guest room”


    “I thought maybe Ashley found it, like you placed it somewhere before you left and forgot it, and Ashley found it”

    Stupid phone.

    “But then I got a response, and I thought it was Ashley, so I was about to yell at her for having your phone and all that, but when I peeked in, there you were, lying to me, via text message”

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