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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: You can lose everything in just 5 minutes [Chapter 10])

    “And that was the final straw, I can’t believe I actually had to see it with my own eyes to believe it, I could have just not ignored the signs, I mean they were right in front of my eyes”

    “What signs?” I ask, wondering what she’s talking about.

    “I saw you last night in the same bed, I thought, Spencer’s just being nice, feeling bad for my sister, she’s trying to comfort her, why am I so stupid” She yells out to nobody.

    “And then after that I see her in her bra’s and panties, practically sucking your blood from your neck” Crap. I knew I saw that door move.

    “Your guest room door is broken” I say randomly.

    “Spencer, I left the door open those times, hoping you would get it that I was watching you, god you can be so stupid sometimes” She spits out.

    I just look down at my feet, her insults hurting more and more. And then I hear a car beep. I look at Kyla as her phone starts ringing. She picks up and starts whispering into the receiver. Only hearing the last thing she says before she hangs up.

    “I’ll be right there” With that she gets up and grabs her things before walking out the door.

    “Where are you going?” I ask.

    “Out” She says coldly, walking away faster than usual.

    “Where?” I ask, curious to where my best friend, well I think best friend, was going.

    “You’re not my girlfriend, I don’t need to tell you everything” She yells out.

    “Sorry” I say defeated, and just watch her walk out the door. She pops her head back in as she says one last thing.

    “We’ll talk about this tomorrow” She says as I hear her walk down the stairs then out the door. I immediately get up and walk to the window, it’s that chick Katie, what a bitch.

    I look at my phone, it’s pretty late, I guess I should head back home, I walk out of Kyla’s room and I look over at the guest room, Ashley’s room, I walk over and just stand there for a couple of minutes.

    I lied to Kyla.

    Saying Ashley meant nothing, she certainly meant something, sure not as much as Kyla, but she still meant something. And for some reason I knew Ashley was on the other side of the door, looking at the other side of the door, just daring me to knock, but I can’t, I need to fix things with Kyla first, but what do I do about Ashley, about my feelings for her. I can’t just ignore them, I can’t just ignore instincts anymore.

    And with that I hear footsteps coming to the door, here’s my chance, move, leave, get out of here, I can’t deal with her right now.

    I hear the door unlock, and then I hear footsteps again, this time walking away from the door. She’s giving me a choice, I don’t have to go in, I don’t. I can just walk away and forget it for today, just go home and go to sleep, and then talk to Kyla tomorrow, and then to Ashley, it’s that easy.

    So I make my choice as I grab the handle and walk in the room.

    “Ashley?” I ask to the body lying on the bed.

    But nothing.

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