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    Once in a lifetime – (Chapter: Don’t fear it now)

    Ash’s face brightened.  "Heyyyyyy.  That might work.  Having to perform in front of an audience.  Don’t want to be embarrassed.  We might just be able to get it on the first take!"

    "Hey," Aiden said, pointing his finger at her.  "As long as you stick to the script, I can get through the scene."

    "I have never forgotten a line," Ashley replied, sarcastically pointing her nose in the air like a snob.

    "Yeah, but your improv facial expressions make me forget mine."  People laughed and I, amazingly, felt myself relax a little more.  "Set the camera up, Kyla.  Let’s see if Davies here can perform in front of her own crowd."

    "Ok, fine."  Ashley began to move furniture, thus moving people over to the right side of the room, just as I planned.  I went with Aiden to retrieve his shirt for the scene and to put my hair up in a messy ponytail.   Kyla was pulling out equipment and then, ever the host, Ashley started explaining Kyla’s new film to the crowd gathered in the room.  I noticed my family had been left the couch and they all snuggled down together.

    Aiden approached me, buttoning his shirt.  "You want it now while she’s occupied?"

    "Yeah," I replied.  He reached in his pocket and transferred the box to my hand.  I quickly shoved it into my own pants, tugging on my shirt in an attempt to cover the bulge as much as possible.  We both walked over to Kyla, who was starting to screw the tripod together.  It was only a few seconds before Ashley started to catch on.

    "Why is the camera on this side of the room?" she asked, interrupting her spiel.  

    Kyla looked at me, then turned to her sister. "I want to shoot you first.  Maybe if you have to behave not only for an audience, but also for the camera, we can get to dessert at a decent hour."  A peal of knowing laughter seemed to ripple across the far side of the room. In reality, shooting from this side allowed us to capture both of our reactions to what I was about to do.  Hm, still no mini-panic attack.  Maybe this is what shock feels like.

    "Ok, guys, can you get set up while I cue up the tape?"  Kyla was pretending to push buttons while Aiden placed himself against the wall.

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    1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! omg! that was TOOO cute!!!! omg! i’m like..on the verge of tears right now!! haha omg awwwww!! AMAZING! a-freaking-mazing!

    2. Loved the ending! So cute! Made me all teary and embarassing and stuff. ::sniffle:: Sorry, I’m so late responding. It’s not lack of love, just lack of time.

    3. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! omg! that was TOOO cute!!!! omg! i’m like..on the verge of tears right now!! haha omg awwwww!! AMAZING! a-freaking-mazing!

    4. Loved the ending! So cute! Made me all teary and embarassing and stuff. ::sniffle:: Sorry, I’m so late responding. It’s not lack of love, just lack of time.

    5. So fluffy, so happy, and so good!!! Shouldn’t they always be like that? Sure, drama makes things exciting, but you live for sweet moments like those!! Awesome job!

    6. So fluffy, so happy, and so good!!! Shouldn’t they always be like that? Sure, drama makes things exciting, but you live for sweet moments like those!! Awesome job!

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