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    Once in a lifetime – (Chapter: Don’t fear it now)

    "Hey, Ky?" Aiden asked.  "Why don’t we start from Spencer kneeling?  That way, you get the lines and we don’t have to try this tomorrow."

    "Good call.  Get your marks, and I’ll get this rolling."

    As I knelt in front of Aiden, I looked up at him and he winked.  I felt Ashley settle behind me, her hands squeezing my waist.  She placed a gentle kiss on the back of my bare neck.  She still knew right where to put her lips so I’d get goosebumps on every other inch of my skin.  I sighed at the sensation.

    "Ok, and we’re rolling.  Oh, um, hey, Ash, can you slide back about six inches?"

    "Huh?  Why?"  I heard the confusion in her voice.  I reached slowly into my left pocket, gently pulling the box out.  She wouldn’t be able to notice the movement, as I intended.

    "I just want you to move up closer to Spencer after she says her line this time, that’s all." Kyla pretended to focus a lens, but she was staring at me.

    "Ok, Ms. Director." I felt her shift back, and I slowly brought my right leg up from kneeling.  I started to count to ten, very slowly, making sure I was still breathing, even though I still didn’t feel anything but pure serenity.  

    "Aiden, what the hell is that look on your face?"  I glanced up at him, and noticed his grin…and the brimming tears in his eyes.  That ass.  I had to do it now, or he’d get me crying.  I slowly spun on my knee.  Ashley had started to laugh.  "Your face is all like–."  And she screwed it up into a big, goofy grin — her nose wrinkling, crossing her eyes.

    "He’s smiling because of this, Ashley," I said, finally reaching up my hand with the box.  She looked at me when I spoke, still with that goofy face.  I heard her giggle catch in her throat, her face immediately relaxing, her nose uncrinkling, her eyes falling on the box.  I opened the lid; her eyes went wide.  I glanced over my shoulder quickly — Kyla’s hand was clutching her chest, Aiden had moved behind her. I scanned over to my parents, my mom had her mouth covered while my dad held her, Glen was squeezing Clay’s shoulders. I looked back at Ashley, who was also glancing around.  I reached up with my right hand, placed a finger on her chin, and turned her face towards me.  Her brown eyes were dancing and it was then that I felt my stomach drop, my heart race.

    "Will you marry me?" I whispered.  I knew it was barely loud enough for her to hear, no one else in that room would…and for some reason, it was exactly how I wanted it.  

    She started to smile, then reached up and placed a hand on my cheek.  "Spencer Carlin," she started, a little laugh trailing off my name.  "That’s my line."

    I stopped breathing.

    Her hand left my face, and she reached behind her, pulling something out of her pants pocket.  It was a small velvet bag. She pulled it open, turned it over, and a diamond ring fell into her hands.  She picked it between her fingers, holding it out next to my velvet box.

    "You guys called me within 12 hours, asking me to help with a proposal," Kyla said from behind me.  "Spencer was first though, Ash, so I had to let her…"

    "It’s OK, sis."  Ashley was looking at me.  "Breathe, Spencer."  I sucked in air, feeling a chill fill my body.  She laughed again, and I heard it echo in the crowd across the room. She leaned forward and kissed me so gently that it felt like the first time ten years ago.  When she broke the kiss, she leaned forward, and put her cheek next to mine. She whispered, just loud enough for me to hear…

    "By the way, the answer is yes." 

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    1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! omg! that was TOOO cute!!!! omg! i’m like..on the verge of tears right now!! haha omg awwwww!! AMAZING! a-freaking-mazing!

    2. Loved the ending! So cute! Made me all teary and embarassing and stuff. ::sniffle:: Sorry, I’m so late responding. It’s not lack of love, just lack of time.

    3. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! omg! that was TOOO cute!!!! omg! i’m like..on the verge of tears right now!! haha omg awwwww!! AMAZING! a-freaking-mazing!

    4. Loved the ending! So cute! Made me all teary and embarassing and stuff. ::sniffle:: Sorry, I’m so late responding. It’s not lack of love, just lack of time.

    5. So fluffy, so happy, and so good!!! Shouldn’t they always be like that? Sure, drama makes things exciting, but you live for sweet moments like those!! Awesome job!

    6. So fluffy, so happy, and so good!!! Shouldn’t they always be like that? Sure, drama makes things exciting, but you live for sweet moments like those!! Awesome job!

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