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    Our Way – (Chapter: Christmas Shopping)

    Days Later (2 days before Christmas)

    Jessica plopped down on the couch of a Barnes & Nobles store, completely defeated. She slammed her head into her hands and began to curse at herself.

    “Ay girl, is there something wrong?”

    Jessica looked up at a girl a little older than she in a Barnes & Noble shirt on. “Not it’s nothing,” she replied groaning to herself.

    The girl nodded slightly and began to leave.

    “Wait, you know what. Do you have any suggestions on what to give lets a say…my best friend?”

    The girl walked back to her and sat down next to her on the couch. “Well? What does she like?”

    “She likes to read, hence the whole why-I’m-here situation. She likes music too.”

    “Any specific stuff she’s into?”

    “I really have no idea….”

    The girl just sat there thinking.

    “Okay, this is really not working.” Jessica laughed to herself. “What do you like to read? Or listen to?”

    “Oh, well if that’s the case. I’ve always been a fan of Jason Mraz and the author Sarah Dessen.”

    “Never hear of ‘em.”

    The girl widened her eyes. “Seriously? Where have you been all your life, under a rock?” Jessica shrugged her shoulders.

    “C’mon.” The girl said and walked to the music section of the store. “Here but these on.” She said giving Jessica a pair of ear phones and playing a Jason Mraz song.

    Well open up your mind and see like me
    Open up your plans and damn you’re free
    Look into your heart and you’ll find love love love
    Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me
    Ah, la peaceful melodys
    It’s your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love love

    So I won’t hesitate no more, no more
    It cannot wait I’m sure
    There’s no need to complicate
    Our time is short
    This is our fate, I’m yours

    Jessica smiled holding on to hear earphones as her head began to bob to the beat of the song. “This is really good. You have great taste.”

    The girl smiled at her and nodded. “I know,” she mouthed. Jessica pulled off the ear phones and thanked the girl. “I’ll take one of his CDs.”

    The girl walked in between the aisles before handing her a Jason Mraz CD. “Thanks.” Jessica smiled, “What’s your name anyways?”

    “Stacy, and yours?” She replied.

    “Jessica, nice to meet you.”

    “Your gay right?”

    Jessica looked at her confused. “How did you-”

    “My sisters gay, she reminds me of you.” Stacy said. “Well let me show you Sarah Dessen, she writes the love stories.”

    The two spent about an hour trying to figure out which book or books Jessica was going to give to Katelyn. Finally, the decided on two: This Lullaby and Just Listen.

    Jessica paid for all her gifts and said goodbye to Stacy before she headed out of the store.

    “If you need any help here, just ask for me.”

    “All right, thank you for everything! I’ll tell you how my girlfriend reacts to it.” Jessica smiled and waved at her new friend before leaving.

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    1. that was stacy probably flirting with jessica cuz jess told her it was for her best friend than on her way out she says her girlfriend bet stacy didn’t see that coming lol pms

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