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    Our Way – (Chapter: Katelyn, who?)

    “Aww, she ruined my song! I should jump her.”

    “That’d be hot.” Ashley laughed holding her cell phone against her ear.

    “I know I am, right.” Spencer laughed, “You better show me who this girl is tomorrow, I wanna see if she’s worth it.”

    “Every girl that hurts me is worth it.”

    “Got that right, Ash.”

    “Okay….she’s right over there.” Ashley pointed to a brunette who was reading a book. “The hot brunette reading, right there.”

    “She is pretty hot.”

    “But, she can’t compete with this.”

    Spencer laughed and finally spotted the girl. She looked at her carefully trying to figure out where she seen her from. Her brown curly hair lightly caressing her beautiful face features. Her gray piercing eyes which moved gracefully from side to side as she read her book. She was beautiful. Jessica came up behind the girl sitting down and scared her. The brunette jumped dropping her book as her beautiful hair covered her face. Her soft fingers brushed away her bangs as she looked behind her. She laughed bring Jessica into a hug. They seemed to be exchanging greetings and Jessica finally settled down next to her.

    “That’s Katelyn…”

    Ashley looked over at her girlfriend confused. “You know her?” Spencer nodded without moving her attention away from the two girls.

    “Oh great, now you guys can’t fight. What a bummer.” Ashley groaned.

    “That’s Katelyn…” Spencer repeated to her. “She’s beautiful.”

    Jessica took a french fry dipping it in her mix of ketchup and ranch and placed it in her mouth. She moaned little in pleasure. “I thought I would never say this, but cafeteria food ain’t that bad.” Katelyn placed her bookmark over her page before closing her book. She leaned over reaching for a fry and then dipped it in to the mysterious dip. The french fry looked disgustingly good and without hesitation Katelyn placed it in her mouth. “Damn that’s some good stuff.”

    Spencer laughed nodding her head. “Told you, cafeteria food rocks.” Spencer picked up her corn dog and bit of the crust surrounding the hot dog.

    “What are you reading?” Spencer nodded towards the book in Katelyn’s hand.

    “Empress of the World.” She replied holding up the book. On the book cover was a picture of two hands clasped together.

    “Are those two girls.”

    She nodded and smiled. “Didn’t think I was gay huh.”

    “Well…” Jessica stuttered. “I just didn’t think you were that gay.”

    “Well…I am that gay.” Jessica said holding up her hands doing air quotes.

    “That’s awesome then.”

    “Gay pride, woot woot.”

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