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    Our Way – (Chapter: The Finale)

    “Please, dad your not young anymore.” Glen whined embarrassed by his parents.

    “So I guess you guys want to be alone?” Spencer’s mom said. “We’ll go. Let’s go you guys.” Mr. Carlin and Glen left leaving the two girls alone.

    “Whew, I was not planning on singing to you with your family around.” Ashley sighed, “Who wants to go first?”

    “I guess I will.” Spencer replied grabbing her gift and handing it to her girlfriend. Ashley’s face softened as she held the gift in her hands. “All my other boyfriends never got me anything…”

    “Well boys suck. I am the master of presents!” Spencer said arrogantly.

    “Aww you get so cute when you act conceited.” Ashley laughed and looked down at her gift. She opened it carefully not knowing whether the gift was fragile or not. A minute passed and she finally took off the last piece of wrapping paper.

    There in her hands laid a scrapbook titled Our Way. A smile formed across her face as she began to flip the pages.

    Spencer got up and sat next to her on the couch. “I hope you like it, Ash.”

    “I love it, Spence. Thank you so much.” Ashley smiled and kissed her on the cheek. She flipped through the pages and pages filled with pictures and pictures. Occasionally a letter that Ashley had written to her during classes would pop up. Even the ticket stub from the movie they watched together was there.

    “I guess it’s time for me to give you your gift.” Ashley laughed as she dried her hands on her jeans. “Sorry, I’m sorta nervous.” She grabbed her guitar and placed it on her lap.

    Ashley began to play her song as she sang softly to the girl she loved.

    Minutes later Ashley ended her song and glanced at Spencer. She was teary-eyed and her face look touched.

    “That was really beautiful.” Spencer whispered. She leaned towards Ashley and placed her head on her shoulder. “That totally beat my present that I gave you.”

    “Everything I get from you is the most valuable thing I can possible own.” Ashley said softly.

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    1. aww its so cute how katelyn had the same books and CD but she was still so happy when she opened them from katelyn. dont worry jessica, that is totally something i would do! im the worst gift giver. and i loved ash and spence’s presents with the whole photo album and the song, it was so cute!

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