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    Our Way – (Chapter: The Finale)

    Jessica knocked on Katelyn’s door holding on to her Christmas gift. Katelyn opened the door and let her in.

    “So, my family already opened the presents, so I was just thinking to going straight to my room.” Katelyn said.

    “Okay, but I just want to say hi to your family.”

    “There in the kitchen, follow me.”

    Katelyn escorted her girlfriend to the kitchen where her parents and siblings were busy baking cookies.

    “Everyone, this is Jessica. Jessica, everyone.”

    “Hi Jessica!” They all replied in unison.

    “Hello, Everyone.” She laughed. “Merry Christmas.”

    “Okay, were just gonna go up to my room, if that’s okay.” Katelyn asked to no one in particular. Everyone just nodded and without hesitating Katelyn took Jessica to her room.

    “Okay, so it was really hard to get you something, but with the help of this wonderful person. I got you this.” Jessica smiled handing Katelyn her gift.

    “Seems, really heavy.”

    “I know right, my arm is cramping for carrying it that long.”

    “Aww, you hurt yourself just for me.” Katelyn said in awe and began to open her present. Ripping off every single piece of wrapping paper possible she looked down. There they were, Just Listen and This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen and a Jason Mraz CD.

    Katelyn held them laughing to herself, knowing that she already had these. “Jess, how did you know? I love Jason Mraz and Sarah Dessen!”

    Jessica looked at her surprised. “It’s funny how you don’t already have these since you love them.”

    “….I know. That’s so funny…” Katelyn smiled.

    “Okay, it’s my turn now.”

    Katelyn pulled out her last-minute Christmas gift from under her pillow. “I’m sorry I couldn’t wrap, I ran out of the paper stuff.”

    Jessica’s face lightened up as she took the picture frame and held it in front of her. She knew Katelyn was a good drawer, but she never knew she could draw something like this. There in the frame laid a picture of them two smiling there butts off.

    “You are such a fabulous drawer. And that talent is all mine!” Jessica laughed hugging the picture frame tightly. Katelyn let out a big sigh of relief knowing that her girlfriend really liked it.

    “I love you so much, Katelyn.” Jessica said as she wrapped her arms around her. “I love you too, Jess.”

    Katelyn smiled to herself knowing that even though she has 2 of the same 2 books and the same CD, she knew that it’s the thought that really counts.

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    1. aww its so cute how katelyn had the same books and CD but she was still so happy when she opened them from katelyn. dont worry jessica, that is totally something i would do! im the worst gift giver. and i loved ash and spence’s presents with the whole photo album and the song, it was so cute!

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