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    Paintings In My Mind – (Chapter: 1)


    The whole time the exhibit was on display I found myself drinking more and more. I would go to the bar at lunch and I would pick up beer before I went home. I must have thought that I could dull the pain that way. I would add pills to the mixture when I felt that the alcohol wasn’t enough. I didn’t realize my own destruction until I had a major wake-up call.


    Six months after Alex left me I was driving downtown. I was drunk as always. I didn’t notice the crosswalk until I almost ran over a small group of people. I turned the wheel hard to the right and stood on my brakes. The car halted and a police officer pulled up beside me. When he took my blood alcohol content I was way over the legal limit. Not to mention that I was recklessly driving. My license was revoked for a year and I was required to stay in a half way house for 90 days.


    Life threw me yet another curveball when I arrived at the half way house. For 90 days I had to take off of work and basically go to boot camp for alcoholics and drug addicts. I was sad, pissed off, and confused all at the same time when I showed up. I was betting that it wasn’t exactly going to go so well. Not to mention that I had to stay in a dorm-style room with a roommate. I had never had a roommate before, unless you would call Alex my roommate when we lived together. But right now I was hoping that they weren’t going to be a weirdo. That was all I needed to make my life complete, being ax murdered at rehab.


    I sat at my window seal, smoking a cigarette, when my new roommate walked in. I quickly threw the cigarette outside the window when I remembered that the rooms were no smoking. A slender young woman with brown hair and blonde highlights walked in through the door. She looked like she wasn’t even old enough to drink, and yet she was in rehab.


    “Oh, hi, you must be Ashley. I know I’m late, I’m Madison by the way,” She said as she threw her bags on her bed.


    1. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any….I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like Paula brainwashed clone to me Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just mypoint of vew…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__

    2. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any, I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer’s ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like a , by Paula brainwashed clone to me !Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just my point of view…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__PS: Sorry for posting the same thing twice , but I had to change some stuff in the previous one.Can you say neat freak?!

    3. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any….I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like Paula brainwashed clone to me Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just mypoint of vew…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__

    4. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any, I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer’s ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like a , by Paula brainwashed clone to me !Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just my point of view…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__PS: Sorry for posting the same thing twice , but I had to change some stuff in the previous one.Can you say neat freak?!

    5. heeeeey its great!! i totally love how its going, it has some awesome possibilties open to it… ive been too caught with this horrid thing called ‘xmas’ to be able to be on here enough to comment on everyone :) but yesh PLEASE continue :D :D :D pwetty pwease hehehe

    6. heeeeey its great!! i totally love how its going, it has some awesome possibilties open to it… ive been too caught with this horrid thing called ‘xmas’ to be able to be on here enough to comment on everyone :) but yesh PLEASE continue :D :D :D pwetty pwease hehehe

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