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    Paintings In My Mind – (Chapter: 1)


    “You’re new.” The red head obviously wanted to know my story.


    “Yeah, just got here today. The name’s Ashley.”


    “Well, I’m Trisha, you can call me Trish. I’m sure Madison has already filled you in on who everyone is.”


    “Yeah she did,” I played with my food.


    “So what are you in here for?” Carrie asked.


    “I guess I’ll just say this the usual Ashley Davies, bluntly way. I almost killed a couple of people while driving drunk.”


    “Holy shit, you mean they didn’t put you in jail for that?!” Kim was not outspoken at all.


    “Nope, 90 day rehab in a half way house and no driver’s license for a year.”


    “Did you hurt anyone?” Spencer finally spoke.


    “I was fortunate enough to no hurt anyone.”


    She nodded, “That’s good.” Her eyes sparkled as she spoke. They were lit up with a life that I wanted to know.


    When we were headed back to our room Madison asked me a stunning question right out of the blue.


    “You’re gay!”


    I looked at her, shocked, “What?!”


    “The way you were looking at Spencer. I knew that I had seen that look once before. Then it hit me that it’s the same look that my ex-boyfriend gave me.”


    Then I fessed up, “Alright caught me. Yes, I’m gay.”


    “Yeah well, Spencer’s not.”


    “I was getting that vibe. But there’s something about her.”


    There was still around three hours until lights out. I decided to go downstairs and have a smoke on the porch. I sat in a hanging swing and took drawl after drawl from my cigarette. To my surprise Spencer appeared out of nowhere.


    “Do you mind if I sit?” She motioned with her left hand to the empty spot on the swing.


    “Not at all. Be my guest.” Smoke slipped out of my mouth as I spoke.


    “I never figured you to be a smoker.”


    I looked at her, she seemed like all her thoughts ran so deep, “Yeah, me either. I used to hate it. But things in your life change. So I went through a period of self-destruction.”



    1. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any….I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like Paula brainwashed clone to me Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just mypoint of vew…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__

    2. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any, I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer’s ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like a , by Paula brainwashed clone to me !Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just my point of view…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__PS: Sorry for posting the same thing twice , but I had to change some stuff in the previous one.Can you say neat freak?!

    3. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any….I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like Paula brainwashed clone to me Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just mypoint of vew…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__

    4. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any, I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer’s ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like a , by Paula brainwashed clone to me !Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just my point of view…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__PS: Sorry for posting the same thing twice , but I had to change some stuff in the previous one.Can you say neat freak?!

    5. heeeeey its great!! i totally love how its going, it has some awesome possibilties open to it… ive been too caught with this horrid thing called ‘xmas’ to be able to be on here enough to comment on everyone :) but yesh PLEASE continue :D :D :D pwetty pwease hehehe

    6. heeeeey its great!! i totally love how its going, it has some awesome possibilties open to it… ive been too caught with this horrid thing called ‘xmas’ to be able to be on here enough to comment on everyone :) but yesh PLEASE continue :D :D :D pwetty pwease hehehe

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