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    Paintings In My Mind – (Chapter: 1)



    I laughed, “Worse, girlfriend.”


    She looked away from me, “Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”


    “One of those’,” I laughed, “You mean a lesbian.”


    “Yeah…sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”


    “Ehh, no harm, no foul. I’m used to it by now.”


    For a few minutes we sat there in silence. But then I realized that I didn’t know anything about her, “So, why are you in this place?”


    She looked at me with a somewhat upset look on her face, “I…uh…I kind of…beat up my ex. I caught him cheating on me one day when I stopped by his place. I went home and drank it off and then when he came by I beat the hell out of him.” Her eyes glanced back and forth from me and then to the yard in front of us.


    I flicked my cigarette, “I’ll remember not to make you mad.” I looked at her and she wasn’t smiling at all, “Hey, its okay. We all do some sort of horrible thing in our lives, we’re human. What I really want to know is how a skinny girl like you could beat the hell of her boyfriend. I’d almost pay to see you do that.” I pulled out another cigarette to light up and smoke.


    “Don’t light it, please.”


    “Why?” I pulled the cigarette away from my mouth.


    “Because I hate smoking. I can’t watch you, or anyone, kiss themselves slowly with those things.”


    I put the cigarette back in the pack and looked at her, “I’ll keep that in mind when we’re around each other.”


    She looked at me and smirked, “Thank you.”


    After our semi-long talk I went to bed. Of course when I told Madison she was laughing. But I didn’t mind that. I had had a good first day, and a good first night. But we therapy the next day. And I hated the thought of sitting in a group of people discussing my problems.


    The alarm went off at six-thirty in the morning. Madison took her time getting ready. I put on a pair of jeans, t-shirt, tennis shoes, and my black beanie. I honestly wanted to be comfortable. I brushed my teeth and put on a small amount of make-up to make myself look alive.


    1. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any….I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like Paula brainwashed clone to me Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just mypoint of vew…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__

    2. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any, I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer’s ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like a , by Paula brainwashed clone to me !Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just my point of view…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__PS: Sorry for posting the same thing twice , but I had to change some stuff in the previous one.Can you say neat freak?!

    3. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any….I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like Paula brainwashed clone to me Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just mypoint of vew…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__

    4. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any, I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer’s ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like a , by Paula brainwashed clone to me !Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just my point of view…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__PS: Sorry for posting the same thing twice , but I had to change some stuff in the previous one.Can you say neat freak?!

    5. heeeeey its great!! i totally love how its going, it has some awesome possibilties open to it… ive been too caught with this horrid thing called ‘xmas’ to be able to be on here enough to comment on everyone :) but yesh PLEASE continue :D :D :D pwetty pwease hehehe

    6. heeeeey its great!! i totally love how its going, it has some awesome possibilties open to it… ive been too caught with this horrid thing called ‘xmas’ to be able to be on here enough to comment on everyone :) but yesh PLEASE continue :D :D :D pwetty pwease hehehe

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