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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 10-Record Release)

    “Oh come on, Britney Spears wasn’t even that hot!”


    “Baby, why don’t you change the channel, you always get so worked up when we watch stuff about the entertainment business.”


    I ran my hand through Spencer’s hair. We were lying on the couch watching the E True Hollywood Story on Britney Spears for some reason, “Well, she wasn’t.”


    “Actually when she was a brunette and didn’t have the kids she wasn’t too bad.”


    “Oh my god! Spencer, you have to be kidding me!”


    “Come on, you can truthfully say that you would’ve never banged Britney Spears at some point in her career?”


    “Yes I can honestly say that I don’t find her that attractive. Maybe you just have a thing for brunettes with nice bodies.”


    Spencer ran her fingers up and down my forearm, “No comment.”


    “Uh huh…that’s what I thought Spence.”


    She lifted her head from my chest to look at me, “Hey, if I didn’t like brunettes with nice bodies then you wouldn’t fit the check list.”


    “That’s it…I just have a nice body? I don’t have a hot body?” I said sarcastically.


    “You’re so in love with yourself.”


    “Not as much as I’m in love with you.”


    “Aww.” Spencer gave me a long lasting kiss.


    Then the TV roared with news. With the release of her album tomorrow, is Kelly Clarkson feeling the pressure? We caught up with her for a quick interview in New York City earlier today.


    “So, you’re 33 now, do you think this album is going to do as well as your others?”


    Kelly looked at ease, “Actually I’m not really worried about it much anymore. I’ve collaborated with some great producers on this album. One of which has written seven Grammy Award winning songs.”


    “Who’s that?”


    “Ashley Davies. You have to admire her work. It’s always amazing, that’s why I wanted her to be a part of this album.”


    Well, that’s it here from E News! this is Sharr Grant. Now back to THS.


    “Wow…I didn’t know that you’ve produced over seven songs that won Grammy’s. That’s amazing Ash.”


    “Yeah, it’s not a big deal. We have the awards at the studio. We keep them in the back. No need to flaunt anything.”

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    1. OH ASHLEY!!!! I Can’t believe that Kelly kissed her. I just hope that Ashley and Spencer will be okay if or when Spencer finds out that Kelly kissed Ashley. PMS and I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!

    2. OMG!!! that was AWESOME!! ha ha Kelly kissing Ashley!!! WOW I LOVE THIS STORY!!! I could soo se Kelly doin that! It’s probally because I read do much Delly…

    3. OH ASHLEY!!!! I Can’t believe that Kelly kissed her. I just hope that Ashley and Spencer will be okay if or when Spencer finds out that Kelly kissed Ashley. PMS and I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!

    4. OMG!!! that was AWESOME!! ha ha Kelly kissing Ashley!!! WOW I LOVE THIS STORY!!! I could soo se Kelly doin that! It’s probally because I read do much Delly…

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