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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 17-Here Comes The Bride…oops…Brides)


    Madison nodded in agreement, “Yeah we should.”


    “Kyla, would you like to help us get ready?”


    Kyla smiled at me, “Of course!”


    Four and a half hours later Madison and I were in our dresses, hair done, shoes on, make-up flawless, and jewelry on. We looked stunning. Our pink dresses were beautiful. Kyla could do nothing but “Awe” at the sight of the two of us standing there, modeling our attire. Kyla and my mother had also managed to get changed and ready while Madison and I were. My mother was in an all white business suit. Kyla had brought a pink dress with her as well. All of us looked radiant.


    My mother came walking into the room, “Ladies…the limo has arrived.”


    I had arranged for a limo to pick up Spencer and I separately. We would not see one another until the defining moment when we were walking down the aisle. I was fidgety the whole way. A permanent smile seemed to live on my lips as I thought about what today brought. It brought my past and my present together. It brought everything that I had ever wanted back to me. It meant happiness and love with her, with Spencer.


    When we arrived at the beach everyone else got out of the limo. I was told to stay put until all the guests had arrived and everything was ready to go. All I had was my cell phone to keep myself occupied as I sat alone in the limo. I quickly went to Spencer’s name and stared down at the picture of her. She had her famous shy-girl smile. She looked so cute. I decided to send her a text message. It wasn’t like I was talking to her in person right?


    I typed the words, “I love you” and hit send. I knew that she had to be just as bored as I was, sitting in that limo alone. I stared down at the beach as I waited for a reply. I could see my mother and Paula talking. They seemed to be getting along. The chairs were all set up. Flowers were lining the aisle way. It was a beautiful sight. Everyone was all over the place saying hello and finding out all the details.


    1. Awww it was beautiful. I love the way you write. Wonderful update. Ashley is so wonderful to have sung for spencer on there wedding day. Hopefully kelly doesnt try to start any shit. PMS

    2. Awwww… Loved it. I was bracing myself when they asked if anyone had any objections. I was like…please objections… but beautiful…beautiful to see their love blossom….PMS

    3. awwwww!!!! that was the best bit of spashley fluff EVER! i was kind of expecting aiden to show up at the wedding and object or kelly clarkson hahahaha. but nope! you kept it all spashley. and i LOVED it! amazing.

    4. Just for those of you who know, this story is not over. That was just a nice ending to a bittersweet chapter. I have big plans for Spencer and Ashley after the marriage.

    5. Awww it was beautiful. I love the way you write. Wonderful update. Ashley is so wonderful to have sung for spencer on there wedding day. Hopefully kelly doesnt try to start any shit. PMS

    6. Awwww… Loved it. I was bracing myself when they asked if anyone had any objections. I was like…please objections… but beautiful…beautiful to see their love blossom….PMS

    7. awwwww!!!! that was the best bit of spashley fluff EVER! i was kind of expecting aiden to show up at the wedding and object or kelly clarkson hahahaha. but nope! you kept it all spashley. and i LOVED it! amazing.

    8. Just for those of you who know, this story is not over. That was just a nice ending to a bittersweet chapter. I have big plans for Spencer and Ashley after the marriage.

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