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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 17-Here Comes The Bride…oops…Brides)


    Suddenly I spotted Glen and Clay running towards my mother, Paula, Kyla, and Madison. They must’ve had news. I was just hoping that it wasn’t bad. Then Madison turned towards my limo and began running as quickly as she could in high heels and a dress. She reached the limo and jerked open the door, “The press are here.”




    “The press. Entertainment Weekly, E, Fox, MTV, all of them are here.”


    I shook my head in confusion, “Why?”


    “They want to document a rocker’s daughter, and a rocker’s marriage.”


    “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”


    “Don’t ask me. But if this is how your wedding is going to be, just imagine how many albums your going to be selling,” Madison paused and then continued, “Oh yeah, there is also a guest here who wasn’t invited.”




    “Kelly Clarkson.”


    “What?!” I started freaking out, “You’re kidding right?!”


    “Uhh…I wish I was. Look,” Madison pointed out the window, “See the guy standing at the altar? Notice the brunette with her back turned towards us?”


    I didn’t notice her. She had cut her hair differently and she was wearing a business suit not much different from my mothers, “Damn it.”


    “Yeah, I figured you’d say that. But don’t worry about it. Kyla’s got her ear to the ground. If American-dike tries to pull any stunts, Kyla will be taking her out.”


    I raised my right eyebrow in disbelief, “You’re going to have Kyla kick her ass?”


    “Well, not so much kick her ass as tackle her to shut her up.”


    I gave a little laugh, “Niice!”


    Suddenly my cell phone started going off. I looked down; it was a text from Spencer. I opened the message, “I love you too. Muah!” I smiled down at the screen.


    “Who’s texting you on your wedding day?”


    I looked up at Madison, “Spencer.”


    She shook her head, “You guys are too cute. Alright I gotta get back out there and greet your guests. Only thirty more minutes until the show goes on.”


    I smiled as she giddily got out of the limo, “Kay.”


    I looked out the other side of the limo. The press were going crazy. They wanted to film it all. I heard sirens in the distance and then I spotted three police cars. As soon as the officers put the cars in park they were bolting out of the cars and pushing the press back. I couldn’t believe that this was my life. Spencer and I were just lucky to have one another. But now we had more support than I had ever even imagined.


    1. Awww it was beautiful. I love the way you write. Wonderful update. Ashley is so wonderful to have sung for spencer on there wedding day. Hopefully kelly doesnt try to start any shit. PMS

    2. Awwww… Loved it. I was bracing myself when they asked if anyone had any objections. I was like…please objections… but beautiful…beautiful to see their love blossom….PMS

    3. awwwww!!!! that was the best bit of spashley fluff EVER! i was kind of expecting aiden to show up at the wedding and object or kelly clarkson hahahaha. but nope! you kept it all spashley. and i LOVED it! amazing.

    4. Just for those of you who know, this story is not over. That was just a nice ending to a bittersweet chapter. I have big plans for Spencer and Ashley after the marriage.

    5. Awww it was beautiful. I love the way you write. Wonderful update. Ashley is so wonderful to have sung for spencer on there wedding day. Hopefully kelly doesnt try to start any shit. PMS

    6. Awwww… Loved it. I was bracing myself when they asked if anyone had any objections. I was like…please objections… but beautiful…beautiful to see their love blossom….PMS

    7. awwwww!!!! that was the best bit of spashley fluff EVER! i was kind of expecting aiden to show up at the wedding and object or kelly clarkson hahahaha. but nope! you kept it all spashley. and i LOVED it! amazing.

    8. Just for those of you who know, this story is not over. That was just a nice ending to a bittersweet chapter. I have big plans for Spencer and Ashley after the marriage.

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