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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 17-Here Comes The Bride…oops…Brides)


    I sat fidgeting in the limo as the next 30 minutes passed. Finally Madison brought me my bouquet of flowers and it was time to walk down the aisle. We came to a conclusion at the last minute that it should be Kyla who walks me down the aisle. I thought it was only fair since Spencer was having her brothers walk her down the aisle. Kyla and I linked arms and waited. Madison was behind us, walking alone.


    The music began playing and we made our way down the aisle. The guests stood up as we entered. I noticed Kelly Clarkson sitting beside my mother. It almost made me sick at my stomach. Other guests on my side were my dad’s old band mates and Kristin, my old roommate from college, along with other family friends.


    We made it to the front. The woman who was performing our marriage was named Annett Brom. She specialized in gay marriage in California. I stood there with Madison awaiting Spencer’s arrival. Then I spotted her getting ready to walk down the aisle with Glen and Clay. She was absolutely beautiful. Hell, beautiful doesn’t even cover it. She was gorgeous and even more. Her white and pink dress fitted her wonderfully. Her hair was half up and half down. I thought that she looked good the night we went to prom, this was a complete upstage.


    She made her way down the aisle, smiling at me the whole way. Finally she reached the front. Glen acted as her “Maid of honor”…the thought of it made me laugh harder every time. She looked me in the eyes as I began to tear up in happiness and whispered, “I love you.”


    I whispered back, “You look gorgeous.”


    I saw her tear up a little and then Annett began with her speech, “Ladies and gentleman, we are here today to celebrate the joining of two very wonderful people, Miss Ashley Davies and Miss Spencer Carlin. Not many gay marriages make it this far simply because the couple may not believe in it or they just don’t want to go through the process. But these two young women are completely in love and I’m glad that they decided to marry. I will not take up anymore of your time. These beautiful ladies have their own vows that they would like to say so I will let them continue on. Ashley?


    1. Awww it was beautiful. I love the way you write. Wonderful update. Ashley is so wonderful to have sung for spencer on there wedding day. Hopefully kelly doesnt try to start any shit. PMS

    2. Awwww… Loved it. I was bracing myself when they asked if anyone had any objections. I was like…please objections… but beautiful…beautiful to see their love blossom….PMS

    3. awwwww!!!! that was the best bit of spashley fluff EVER! i was kind of expecting aiden to show up at the wedding and object or kelly clarkson hahahaha. but nope! you kept it all spashley. and i LOVED it! amazing.

    4. Just for those of you who know, this story is not over. That was just a nice ending to a bittersweet chapter. I have big plans for Spencer and Ashley after the marriage.

    5. Awww it was beautiful. I love the way you write. Wonderful update. Ashley is so wonderful to have sung for spencer on there wedding day. Hopefully kelly doesnt try to start any shit. PMS

    6. Awwww… Loved it. I was bracing myself when they asked if anyone had any objections. I was like…please objections… but beautiful…beautiful to see their love blossom….PMS

    7. awwwww!!!! that was the best bit of spashley fluff EVER! i was kind of expecting aiden to show up at the wedding and object or kelly clarkson hahahaha. but nope! you kept it all spashley. and i LOVED it! amazing.

    8. Just for those of you who know, this story is not over. That was just a nice ending to a bittersweet chapter. I have big plans for Spencer and Ashley after the marriage.

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