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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 17-Here Comes The Bride…oops…Brides)


    I looked Spencer in the eyes, I had memorized my vows, “Spencer Marie Carlin, I cannot describe what it feels like to be standing here in front of you, holding your hands. We spent so many years apart and we were finally brought back together. I can’t help but know that it was for a purpose. I love you Spencer, I’ve loved you since the moment that you asked me where science lab 3 was and I spilled my coffee all over me.”


    Spencer smiled and gave a small laugh with tears in her eyes. I continued on, “When I put this ring on your finger I’m not giving you just a piece of jewelry, I’m giving you my heart.” I took the ring from Madison and placed it on Spencer’s finger, “I love you.”


    Spencer composed her emotion and then began her vows, “Ashley Amanda Davies, we met ten years ago. What I thought was just a simple friendship opened my eyes to a whole new world, a whole new feeling. That feeling was love. I have never felt the way I feel about you with anyone else. They say that opposites attract and I for one know that that is true. I love you Ashley. I tried to tell myself for so many years that I didn’t, but fate had other plans. We were meant to be. And now we get to spend the rest of our lives loving one another,” She turned around and got the ring from Glen, “When I give you this ring, I give you my future, my world, my love, and my truth. I love you.”


    She had quoted the song that I wrote for her. It meant so much to me that she still remembered it. I had tears in my eyes as Annett finished up the ceremony, “Does anyone have any objections as to why these two should not be wed?”


    There was silence.


    “By the power vested in me, by the state of California, I now pronounce you wife and, well, wife.” She looked at me, “You may kiss your bride.”


    Spencer and I leaned into one another and adoringly kissed one another. It was a simple, sweet kiss. And I couldn’t have been any happier knowing that I was now hers and she was now mine. We held hands as we made our way back up the aisle and to the limo. Our guests were cheering and screaming. Not to mention that the news crews were filming. Spencer and I jumped into one of the limos. The other one was for our mothers, Glen, Clay, Madison, and Kyla. I was just happy to finally be alone with Spencer.


    1. Awww it was beautiful. I love the way you write. Wonderful update. Ashley is so wonderful to have sung for spencer on there wedding day. Hopefully kelly doesnt try to start any shit. PMS

    2. Awwww… Loved it. I was bracing myself when they asked if anyone had any objections. I was like…please objections… but beautiful…beautiful to see their love blossom….PMS

    3. awwwww!!!! that was the best bit of spashley fluff EVER! i was kind of expecting aiden to show up at the wedding and object or kelly clarkson hahahaha. but nope! you kept it all spashley. and i LOVED it! amazing.

    4. Just for those of you who know, this story is not over. That was just a nice ending to a bittersweet chapter. I have big plans for Spencer and Ashley after the marriage.

    5. Awww it was beautiful. I love the way you write. Wonderful update. Ashley is so wonderful to have sung for spencer on there wedding day. Hopefully kelly doesnt try to start any shit. PMS

    6. Awwww… Loved it. I was bracing myself when they asked if anyone had any objections. I was like…please objections… but beautiful…beautiful to see their love blossom….PMS

    7. awwwww!!!! that was the best bit of spashley fluff EVER! i was kind of expecting aiden to show up at the wedding and object or kelly clarkson hahahaha. but nope! you kept it all spashley. and i LOVED it! amazing.

    8. Just for those of you who know, this story is not over. That was just a nice ending to a bittersweet chapter. I have big plans for Spencer and Ashley after the marriage.

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