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    Phoenix – (Chapter: Here we are revisiting)

    She impressed them all. 

    “Heroes that will party like Kings tonight!” He looked over at her. “You’re coming to the party, right? I can’t go without my girlfriend.” In a much lower voice he added. “People might think something’s up.” 

    “You’re paranoid.” She stopped walking outside the girl’s locker room near a water fountain. “And I’ll go so nobody suspects anything.” She lightly poked his chest. “Just don’t try to have sex with me.” She grinned at his eye roll. 

    “Trust me doll, you don’t have the right parts.” He chuckled and gave her a wink before walking away. 

    Spencer entered the girl’s locker room with silence as her only company. She reached the small blue locker in the back, the one she normally used, and began undressing. She was never shy about her body but the rare privacy in the locker room was always appreciated. The quiet air after playing a long, loud, rowdy game of basketball was refreshing. 

    Her lean strong body was wrapped in only a towel. Flip flops covered her feet as she walked to the showers holding only a bag with shampoo and soap inside. Turning the two silver knobs, she removed the towel from her body and neatly set it aside on a nearby shelf. The blonde stepped into the shower stall, washing away the sweat and grime from the night’s game. Her eyes closed as she savored the feel of hot water hitting her tired muscles. The soothing heat was nirvana to her body. She was under a spell of relaxation and bliss. She contemplated never leaving. 

    The perky voices of the cheerleaders floated into the stall, breaking the spell. Spencer opened her eyes and reached out for the bar of soap. Soaping her hands, they ran all over her flawless skin, wincing, she looked down and noticed a nasty bruise inches above her left breast. She disregarded it and continued washing her body expecting to find a couple more bruises. Bruises, scrapes, and aches were guaranteed when playing basketball with boys twice her size.

    Spencer finished washing her hair and then turned the silver knobs, bringing the shower to an abrupt stop. She heard the brigade of girls before seeing them seconds later. With one towel wrapped around her torso and another wrapped around her hair, she smiled a greeting. 

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    1. definitly like where this is going, so spencer is dating a gay aiden for show and what ashley is dating spencer’s brother glen…that does make it complicated not to mention the drugs ash is taking hopefully she’ll get clean.

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