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    Phoenix – (Chapter: Here we are revisiting)

    A good five minutes was spent making small talk with the group of cheerleaders. All of them knew her as Phoenix and Phoenix only. Even the teachers used the name to address her. The coach screamed it out during one of her games in 7th grade. Phoenix. It passed his lips as she won the game with a slam dunk. The name expressed her strength, speed, and excellence in the game. She was simply the best player on the team and everyone knew it. 

    “I’ll see you guys later.” She walked away from the girls and headed back to her locker. To her surprise, there was a young lady her age lying on the bench in front of it. “Are you awake?” She asked kneeling down to get a better look at her childhood friend. The dark haired brunette wore expensive coach sunglasses matching her designer jeans, expensive heels, and provocative black blouse. Spencer flashed her a lop sided grin as she turned her head, regarding her quietly. 

    “I am now.” She finally mumbled sitting up. 

    The blonde stood up and faced her locker, opening it. She grabbed a clean bra and matching panties. Without hesitating, she removed the towel from her body and slipped the underwear on. Next was the bra. She brought it up to her chest and then paused when she felt Ashley’s presence behind her. “Let me.” Her voice was soft near her ear. Spencer held her breath, feeling a sudden rush of heat go through her. Gentle fingertips glided the soft material over her naked breasts. Her nipples hardened knowing who was touching her. 

    When the brunette finished, she felt both relieved and disappointed. 

    It didn’t last long. 

    Warm arms wrapped around her naked waist from behind followed by a soft chin on her shoulder. Spencer felt Ashley’s breasts press against her back. She bit back a moan. “I’m sorry I missed your game.” The words were spoken against her neck, quiet and full of shame. Spencer almost missed them, focused on the lips pressed against her skin. They did terrible things to her half naked body. 

    The blonde placed her left hand over Ashley’s and caressed the darker skin. “It’s no big deal, Ash.” Her right hand soon joined the left and was placed on top of Ashley’s. Spencer looked down at her abdomen with a smile, feeling both sad and content. “You’ve seen me play a million times.” 

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    1. definitly like where this is going, so spencer is dating a gay aiden for show and what ashley is dating spencer’s brother glen…that does make it complicated not to mention the drugs ash is taking hopefully she’ll get clean.

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