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    Photograph – (Chapter: Repost)

    “If what?” Spencer mentally kicked herself for her voice was weak and a bit breathless.

    Ashley slid even closer now their legs were touching. She placed her palm fully on Spencer’s leg, but applied no pressure. Her voice was a soothing whisper when she spoke, her warmth enveloping Spencer’s senses.

    “If I undressed for you.”

    Spencer took in a breath so fast that she hiccupped, but she gained back her composure quickly to answer. She was proud that her voice was steady, even if her heart was not, “I would leave you to enjoy your nakedness alone.”

    Ashley chuckled, amused at Spencer’s defiant tone. She leaned in even farther, closer until her lips touched the blonde’s, “You are a horrible liar.”

    Spencer’s felt her eyelids flutter close at the close proximity and she whispered, shuddering at the feel of Ashley’s lips against her own, “I am not…”

    “Oh really,” Ashley let her own eye lids close; “This is much more dangerous than a nude woman.”

    Spencer let her curiosity ask the question, “How so?”

    “I could claim your soul with just one kiss.”

    Spencer’s eyes flew open at those words, breaking the contact by leaning as far back on her palms as she could. When Spencer noticed that Ashley didn’t seem offended, let alone deterred with this action Spencer quickly got to her feet, “I think I need to go Ashley.”

    Ashley stood and crossing her arms smiled, “Well then I guess I will see you next time.”

    Spencer gave a curt nod then quickly turned and made her way for the door. Ashley cleared her throat in a way that signaled Spencer’s attention. Spencer turned taking a deep breath as she did so.

    Ashley pointed to the island, “Your camera.”

    Spencer’s eyes got wide at the thought of almost leaving it here. She rushed over and snatched it up, mumbling her thanks.

    “You need a hoodie.”

    “No thank you Ashley.”

    “It wasn’t a question,” there was a smirk back on those lips.

    Spencer looked back at Ashley confused. “To those blushed on your face,” Ashley said with chuckle. Spencer blushed even more and with a voice that held tinges of embarrassment, anger, and (if Ashley dared hope) desire came the retort, “No thank you ASHLEY!” then Spencer was out of the apartment, rushing for the elevator.


    1. I am not sure if I have posted before.. I read and post for to many SON stories so I am posting now if I haven’t before… I love this story.. GREAT STORY… PMS!!

    2. I am not sure if I have posted before.. I read and post for to many SON stories so I am posting now if I haven’t before… I love this story.. GREAT STORY… PMS!!

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