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    Photograph – (Chapter: Repost)

    “Yeah, now look at the sticky note on the back,” Spencer scowled as she took a sip from her coffee.

    Ashley flipped the page over, “Ouch,” she said with a gentle chuckle.

    Spencer frowned, “It’s not funny.”

    Ashley leaned back with a charming smile, “Let me guess. Teacher’s pet, Spencer has never had a grade lower than a ‘B’? Not sure how to act when you are among the average.”

    Spencer pursed her lips at Ashley’s mocking tone, “I am not the ‘Teacher’s Pet’! I just…well…” Spencer looked at the table for a minute, “Lower than an ‘A’ is closer to the truth,” Ashley raised an eyebrow, but wasn’t really amazed. She figured Spencer was the honor roll type. She leaned forward as Spencer continued, “Anyway, our professor is having us do the assignment again,” At the end of her sentence Spencer looked up.

    Ashley had turned towards the window, her gaze detached. She was listening to Spencer just not looking at her and her profile was as thoughtful as it was beautiful. Spencer remembered her professor’s words and suddenly it all made since. He had said there was a difference between taking a photo for the family scrapbook and taking one in the name of art. Spencer stared at Ashley’s face with a renewed sense of awe. The sunlight washed over her countenance gently, softening the contours and adding a feeling of nobility within the illuminated aura. The light glittered within the depths of the chocolate brown eyes, lightening the color to a bright brown that shone like fire.

    Before she could contemplate what she was doing Spencer had pulled her camera from her tote slowly, she was even holding her breath, and her fingers were actually trembling as she brought the object to her face. Ashley’s eyes scanned over and after widening a bit at the sight of the camera pointed in her direction, turned her gaze back to the window and listened to the click click whirl of the camera. Spencer let out her breath and with a sheepish smile whispered:

    “I should have asked your permission…”

    Ashley turned her head and looked at Spencer with a warm smile, “I knew what your intentions were. I could have said stop. As it is I don’t mind,” standing she began to walk from Spencer and over her shoulder called back, “Good luck with that, bring it back so I can see it, ok.”


    1. I am not sure if I have posted before.. I read and post for to many SON stories so I am posting now if I haven’t before… I love this story.. GREAT STORY… PMS!!

    2. I am not sure if I have posted before.. I read and post for to many SON stories so I am posting now if I haven’t before… I love this story.. GREAT STORY… PMS!!

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