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    Possible Side Effects May Include…(Numero Tres)



    “Come on Ash,” Spencer said


    “One second babe,” the brunette replied, “I just need to pee.” Sneaking into Arthur and Paula’s medicine cabinet, Ashley grabbed the little unmarked bottle of blue pills, and threw it into her purse.


    “All set,” she said, smiling at Spencer.


    Once they were at Ashley’s, Spencer immediately hopped into the hot tub, other than Ashley, it had quickly become her favorite thing to do.


    “Spence!” Ashley called from the kitchen, “Do you want something to drink?”


    “Yeah,” the blonde replied.  Lemonade would be great if you have any.”


    “Coming right up!”  Ashley quickly took out the bottle and began crushing up about 5 pills.  This should be enough for the whole night, she though, smiling wickedly.


    A bit later, Ashley sunk into the hot tub, two glasses in hand.  “What took you so long?” Spencer asked.


    “Oh um, the pitcher was empty, I had to make new batch.”


    “Oh okay,” Spencer said, taking a long drink, “Well thanks, it’s really good. What’d you put in it?”


    “My special secret ingredient,” Ashley said, grinning. “I can’t tell what it is, but there may be possible side effects.”



    About twenty minutes later, Ashley saw it.  The look she had been hoping for all night, Spencer’s ‘I need to fuck right now’ look. The blonde’s face was flush, her eyes a very dark shade of blue, and Ashley could see her erect nipples poking through the skimpy bikini she had on.  She did a little victory dance in her head.


    “You ok, Spence?” Ashley asked.


    “Yeah….”I’m uhhmm I’m fine.”


    “Is there anything on your mind?”


    Yes, Spencer thought, fucking you until you can’t stand up anymore. Christ, get a grip Spencer. You can’t let her see how much you want her right now; she’s going to think you’ve turned into some sex crazed fiend. Hmm, worse things could happen. Instead, she just said.

    “No, babe I’m fine,” Smiling innocently at her girlfriend.


    Hmm, Ashley thought, she’s trying to fight it. Well then, I’ll just have to step it up a little bit.  The endless possibilities ran through Ashley’s head. 


    She waited until Spencer had finished all of her lemonade, for some reason she was really thirsty, and then Ashley sprung her trap.  She groaned in discomfort,  grabbing her neck and rubbing it like there was a kink in it.

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