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    Practice – (Chapter: Bitch Please)

    "Spencer, I should tell you I brought someone with me…"

    He steps out of the doorway, revealing some slutty looking red head.

    "Marissa" I hear Spencer say.

    Spencer moves a few feet across the room and wraps her arms the girls neck. And I swear the girls hands are gettin’ a little too happy. Running them down my girls arms, brushing the hair out of Spencer’s face.

    But, no, that wasn’t what put her on my list of people to kill its what happened at the table.

    "Yeah, you know how your mom can b-"

    I’m halfway through my sentence when someone talks over me… again

    Cut me off one more fucking time.

    "You remember your twenty-first birthday Spencer."

    Spencer cocks her head to the side, giving the girl on her left her attention.

    "How could I remember? You got me so trashed."

    They’re laughing as Aiden and I shoot ‘Marissa’ dirty looks.

    After they’re laughter subsides Marissa starts to talk.

    "But you remember where I took you right?"

    Spencer nods quickly.

    "Yeah, Rage."

    The red head nods.

    "We should go there tonight, you know, catch up on old times."

    Spencer’s response is quick.

    "You know I would, but me and Ash." She turns to me gripping my hand. "Have Plans.”

    Yeah that’s right; Spencer’s spending the night with me!

    She leans pass Spencer, catching my eye.

    "I’m sure Ashley wouldn’t mind coming with us, would ya Ash."

    She flashes the fakest smile I’ve ever seen and all I can do is nod my head and shoot her disgusted looks whenever Spencer isn’t looking my way.

    "Aiden." She says.

    He looks up at her, not bothering to hide his disgust.

    "You should come too."

    He nods without any enthusiasm.

    "Shit, there’s my mom I’ll be right back." Spencer hops up, and makes her way over to Paula.

    Marissa turns to me.

    "So, you and Spencer, you an item?"

    When I open my mouth and no words come out she scoffs, and stands. While she’s walking away I hear her mumble; "I’ve still got a chance."

    Yep, that did it. The fact that she thinks she still has a shot with Spencer, is what earned her a spot on the Davies hit list.

    "Ash… Ash, Ashley!"

    My head snaps in Spencer’s direction.

    "Sorry, I spaced."

    She laughs and tells me she’s going to the bathroom. So now it’s just me, Aiden, and the skank.

    "So, why are you back in town?" Aiden asks, not wasting a moment.

    Marissa shrugs her shoulder before responding, and pointing in the direction of the bathroom.

    "I’m back for her."


    I let out a scoff ready to speak, before I have the chance Aiden laughs obnoxiously, and then gets serious.

    "Sorry to be the buzz kill but Spencer’s moved on to ‘better’ things."

    He puts emphasis on better, as he puts an arm around my shoulder in defense.

    I like this kid already.

    Aiden and I share a laugh.

    "Spencer and I have been through more than you could comprehend." She says looking me square in the eyes.

    I step forward, completely invading her personal space. "That was then, this is now." I laugh before continuing. "Wait, wait, wait, let me rephrase that. You were then, and I’m now."

    Aiden laughs another obnoxious laugh.

    "I’ll have her back in my arms in no time."

    I cock my head to the side before looking back at her.

    "Bitch, please, if you wanna g-"

    Before I can continue Aiden shoves a drink in my hands, loudly clearing his throat.

    Half a second later, Spencer steps back into our circle, and I shoot Aiden the sweetest look I’ve been able to conjure since Marissa showed up.

    "You guys ready to go?" Spencer asks.

    I nod my head, as I lace our fingers together, and walk out of the club.

    "I could drive Marissa home, it’s on the way." Aiden says, once we’ve reached his car.

    For what feels like the hundredth time tonight I thank God for putting Aiden on this planet. Marissa nods her head, giving Aiden another fake smile.

    "That’d be great." She says.

    As Spencer and I walk of towards my car, I look over my shoulder, and like the child I am I stick my tongue out at her while flipping her the bird.

    Let the battle begin.

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    1. Awesome update! “Let the games begin!” I can’t wait to see what happens next! You wrote the tension and comedy of the situation so well! Thank you for not giving up on this story! I’m with “thingsleftunsaid” looking forward to a smack down. Ashley will kick Marissa’s ass all the way back to hell where she devil came from! PMS

    2. Awesome update! “Let the games begin!” I can’t wait to see what happens next! You wrote the tension and comedy of the situation so well! Thank you for not giving up on this story! I’m with “thingsleftunsaid” looking forward to a smack down. Ashley will kick Marissa’s ass all the way back to hell where she devil came from! PMS

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