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    Practice – (Chapter: Dark Alley)

    "Hey, you laugh but I bet you were no better You-"

    I cut him off.

    "No, I was the coolest person ever… I was ‘down’."

    My comment puts silence around the two of us for a few moments.

    "You were ‘down’?" He says, using air quotes.

    I drop my, staring at the ground as I speak.

    "Okay, maybe I wasn’t… but Aid, I wanted to be down so bad."

    A serious look crosses his face; he takes a few steps forward, placing a hand on my shoulder.


    "It all makes sense now…. you wanted to be down, and you’re a lesbian, I bet you go down all the time."

    He takes a step back, nearly falling over from his laughter. I continue to stand there, watching him make a fool out of himself. A group of people walk by, eyeing Aiden, and giving me an odd look. I raise my hands in confusion, taking a step back. Assuring the group of onlookers I don’t know his.

    Eventually his laughter dies down. He looks up at me, my un-amused expression ends his remaining chuckles. He grabs his drink off of the bar, taking a large gulp, but not before mumbling;

    "Well I thought it was funny."

    The pair of us spend a few more meaningless minutes searching for a girl of my liking.

    "There are no hot girls here, and I think Spencer already left with… Marissa." I choke out the last word in disgust.

    "I think I’m gonna call it a night, you coming?"

    He shakes his head.

    "Na, I’m gonna go look for that brunette."

    I roll my eyes as he say this, his taste in women is terrible. He pulls his keys from his pocket, tossing them to me.

    "Take my car, I’ll catch a cab."

    I wave to him over my shoulder as I head for the door, stopping to share a few words with Clay. Although I don’t really know him we exchange a polite hug, before I make my way out of the club.

    When I exit I realize just how late it is. The moon is shining at its highest point. I’m about to unlock the driver’s side door when I hear a whimper come from an alley just a few feet away. It’s too dark too see anything at this angle. For a moment I think I must have imagined it.

    Then I hear it again. A whimper followed by a shrill slapping sound. I spin on my heel, steeping back onto the sidewalk and walking a few feet to the opening of the alley. I come to a dead halt, dropping Aiden’s keys to the pavement as I take it the site before me.

    I see Spencer, on her knees, her back pressed tightly against the alley’s wall. Letting out another whimper, as she holds her hand to her cheek. Anger boils inside of me as I take in another figure.

    Marissa stands, towering over the blonde, knuckles bruised with blood.

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